A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY 289 *P. taraxaci Plow. U. and T. On Taraxacum officinale, Maldon (H.) ; Coggeshall (T.) ; Broomfield (C.). P. polygoni Pers. (P. amphibii Fckl., P. polygonorum, Link.). U. (Uredo polygonorum, D.C.). On Polygonum amphibium, Beeleigh (H.) ; on P. convolvulus, Woodham Walter (H.); Chelmsford and Broomfield (C.) ; on P. lapathi folium, Braxted, Broomfield and Springfield (C.); on †P. sieboldii, Witham (T.) ; on †P, Persicaria, Maldon (H.). T. Same localities and hosts. P. tanaceti D.C. (P. discoidearum, Link.). U. and T. On Tanacetum vulgare, Maldon (H.) ; on Artemisia vulgaris, Maldon (H.). P. pruni Pers. (P. prunorum, Link.). U. and T. On Prunus domestica, Maldon (H.) ; Witham (T.). *P. anthoxanthi, Fckl. U. On Anthoxanthum odoratum, Widford (C.). P. lychnidearum, Link, U. and T. On Lychnis diurna, Maldon (H.) ; Kelvedon (T.) ; Hazeleigh and Linguard Common (C.). *Puccinia acetosae Schum.—I am not aware that this is anywhere, except in a MS. list in my possession, referred to as British. I therefore append a description :— Sori scattered, on the leaves small, irregularly rounded, on the stems and petioles oblong, not long covered by the epidermis. Uredospores globose, elliptic or pyriform, 24-30 x 20-25 u., brown, echinulate. Teleutospores oblong or subclavate, constricted in the middle, apex rounded, 30-45 x 20-25 u., subverrucose, chestnut-brown, pedicels hyaline, long, slender, deciduous. On Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella. Occurring in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, [See Korn in Hedwigia 1876, p.184 ; Winter Die Pilze, p. 187 ; Schroet. Pilz. Schles, p. 339 ; Sacc. Sylloge, Vol. vii., p. 638 ; Syn. Uredo acetosae, Schum. (Saell. II. p. 231) ; Puccina rumicis Lasch. (in Rabenh. Fungi Europ. p. 496).] Mr. Heaver found a rust fungus on R. acetosella at Maldon, and Dr. Plowright, to whom I am indebted for references to the original descriptions of the fungus which I have consulted, referred it to this species. P. tragopogi Pers. AE. (AEcidium tragopogonis Pers.). On Tragopogon pratensis, Maldon (H.) ; Boreham (C.) ; nr. Broxbourne (W.).