290 THE UREDINEAE AND USTILAGINEAE OF ESSEX: T. (P. sparsa, Cooke), Maldon (H.). *P. betonicae Alb. and Schw. T. On Stachys betonica, Totham (T. and C.) ; Theydon Garnon (W.). P. fusca Rehl. (P. anemones Pers.). T. On Anemone nemorosa, Maldon (H.) ; Woodham Walter and Wickham Bishops (C.). *P. bunii D.C. T. On Bunium flexuosum, Totham (T. and C.). *P. adoxae D.C. T. On Adoxa moschatellina, Maldon (H.) ; Higham Park (C.) ; Rivenhall (Mr. W. Pratchett) ; Theydon Garnon (W.). P. senecionis Lib. (P. glomerata Grev.). T. On Senecio aquaticus, Springfield (C.) ; Feering (T.). P. arenariae Schum. (P. lychnidearum Link. P. maethringiae Fckl.). T. On Dianthus barbatus, Finchingfield (C.) ; on Armaria trinervia, Coggeshall (T.). P. valantiae Pers. (P. acuminata Fckl.). T. On Galium saxatile, Galleywood (C.). P. malvacearum Ment. T. On Malva sylvestris, Maldon (H.) ; Widford (C.); Harlow and Purfleet (W.) ; on M. rotundifolia, Southend, Bore- ham and Danbury (C.) ; on Althaea rosea, Leyton and Chelmsford (C.). *P. glechomatis D.C. T. On Glechoma hederacea, Woodham Walter (H.) ; Marks- hall (T.). *P. asteris Duby. T. On Aster tripolium, Maldon (H.). P. cardui Plow. (P. syngenesiarum, Link). T. On Carduus lanceolatus, Purfleet and Epping Forest (W.). Triphragmidium ulmariae Schum. U. On Spiraea ulmaria, Beeleigh and Danbury (H.) ; Bore- ham (C.). T. Danbury (H.). Phragmidium fragariastri D.C. AE. On Potentilla fragariastrum, Maldon (H.) ; Great Leighs and Witham (C.).