294 NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. Melampsora epitea Schum. (syn. Lecythea epitea Lev.). M. mixta Schlecht (syn. L. mixta Lev.) M. vitellinae D.C. (syn. L. saliceti Lev.) M. populina Lev. M. hypericorum D.C. (syn. Uredo hypericorum D.C.) Ustilago utriculosa Nees. Tilletia tritici Bjerk. (T. caries Tul.) NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. ZOOLOGY. MAMMALIA. Occurrence of De Winton's Mouse in Essex.—On April 23rd Dr. Laver wrote :—"Enclosed is the skin of a specimen of De Winton's mouse. It was given to me on April 2nd, having been caught a day or two before by Mr. Henry Tawell in his store-room at Wakes Colne, Essex. He informs me that he has taken lately four other specimens of the same mouse. He sent it to me marked 'specimen of mouse, new kind'—a very creditable bit of observation, he never having read anything about these mice. It is the first specimen that I have seen since De Winton wrote his paper. I only just got it in time ; a few days or even a few hours more and it would have been impossible to save the specimen. You will see that I have preserved it in the position desired by the British Museum authorities." A short time after Dr. Laver's letter, I received anonymously a specimen in the flesh, which I subsequently found had been sent from Wakes Colne at the suggestion of Mr. T. E. Tawell, a member of the Club. It is now in Mr. Burton's hands for preservation. This mouse (Mus sylvaticus wintoni, Barr-Ham.) was first brought forward as a British animal by Mr. W. E. De Winton in the Zoologist for December, 1894,1 under the name of Mus flavi- collis, believing it to be the mouse thus named by Prof. Melchior,. of Copenhagen, in his work on Danish and Norwegian Mammals. This was afterwards found to be a mistaken identification, and Mr. Barrett-Hamilton in his paper "On Geographical and 1 Zoologist (N.S.), Vol. xviii., pp. 442-45.