330 EVIDENCES OF PREHISTORIC MAN WEST KENT. the south. The Well Hill gravel is, therefore, of great interest, at all events in a local sense, as illustrating one of the early results of the sub-aerial denudation of the Weald. It is interesting to note in passing that green-coated flints are fairly abundant on the summit, thus showing the break up of the FIG. 2.—SCRAPER TYPES (FULL SIZE) EOLITHIC GRAVELS, WELL HILL, KENT, 600 FT. O.D. 1. Large cylindrical flint, bulbous on other side. Definite work on the scraping edge. 2. Split pebble (Lower Tertiary), worked on the side. Crust bleached. Chipped surface stained a light amber colour. 3. Sponge flint, with definite work. Crust bleached. Chipped edges stained a dark brown. Thanet Sands once existing to the south ; on the hill itself the junction between Thanet Sands and Chalk is still preserved, as in one locality Melania inquinata may be picked up on the surface, quite unprotected by any top soil. There has been, I think