THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 359 Trichia scabra Rost. ,, varia Pers. ,, fallax Pers. „ botrytis Pers. Arcyria punicea Pers. ,, incarnata Pers. ,, flava Pers. Perichaena depressa Lib. Lycogala miniatum Pers, The usual exhibition of Fungi was arranged in one of the rooms in the hotel,. Over 100 species were labelled by the experts present. After tea an Ordinary Meeting of the Club was held (being the 232nd), the chair being taken by Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., Vice-President. The Chairman said that all would regret that illness prevented the President, Mr. Rudler, from being with the Club that evening. Mr. E. H. Rhys Harries was elected a member. Mr. T. Petch, B.Sc, exhibited living specimens of the slug Limax tenellus from Epping Forest (see page 342) and also living Limax cinerco-niger from High Beach, announced in July part of the E.N. (ante 299). Dr. Cooke and Mr. Massee reported on the plants gathered during the foray, and shown in the room. And later Mr. Massee exhibited a series of Wall Diagrams, printed in colours, of some of the principal diseases of trees, and gave a running commentary upon the different species, explaining the diagrams. He then announced that the nine diagrams, of which these were advanced proofs, were part of a series which the Board of Agriculture had resolved to issue at a cheap rate for the benefit of those interested in arboriculture. On the tables were also exhibited a series of twenty coloured drawings by Dr. M. C. Cooke, illustrative of common plant diseases in the various stages through which they pass in the history of their lives. It was announced that a complete and revised list of the Hymenomycetes of Essex, by Dr. Cooke and Mr. Massee, was in preparation, and would be published in the Essex Naturalist ; also that extra copies would be printed and sold at a moderate price to be used as check lists. [The Editor has compiled the foregoing account from Dr. Cooke's report in the Gardeners' Chronicle for October 29th. A brightly written account of the Foray, extending to a column, appeared in the Daily News for October 20th.] THE 233rd ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, October 29th, 1904. The first meeting of the winter session was held as usual in the Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6.30 p.m., Mr. Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., Vice-President, in the chair. New Members.—Mr. T. Petch, B.A., B.Sc, and Mr. F. A. Reichert were elected members. Donations to the Museum.—The Secretary announced that Mr. Thomas W. Reader had presented a set of shells of mollusca, sectioned so as to show the structure. These were intended for a series now being prepared, demonstrating some leading facts in the morphology of the mollusca.