366 NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. summer to no purpose, but on a sunny but breezy afternoon towards the end of August I was on Sandy Point, St. Osyth, and noticed a solitary io hovering over a patch of sea lavender. This specimen, on being boxed, proved to be the long-sought for cyanostica. I carefully examined a large number of specimens until the middle of September, but could not find another. Vanessa atalanta and V. Urticae were common in the clover- fields, but I saw only two C. cardui.—B. G. Cole, Buck- hurst Hill. Aberrations of Epinephele Janira and E. Tithonus.— At St. Osyth last August I met with two or three nice aberrations of these species. E. janira was, of course, very abundant. Two specimens of the female were caught, in which the usual fulvous patch was of a yellowish-white colour. Among the thousands of E. tithonus which were fluttering over the blackberry bushes I picked out a female specimen, the left forewing of which was of a silvery-white colour, the other wings being normal. In meadows, near Chigwell Row, occurred (in 1902) a male of E. janira in which the light patches were putty-coloured.—B. G. Cole, Buckhurst Hill. BOTANY. Uncommon Plants in Epping Forest.—Among the plants observed in recent years by the students of the Leyton County School are, Orobanche major, on roots of broom, Epping Forest, near Cook's Folly, 1902 ; Utricularia (vulgaris ?), common in ponds in Epping Forest, 1903-4 ; Bee Orchis, Ophrys apifera, Epping Forest, June 19th, 1904., Miss L. Berry. The Utricularia has not been observed in flower.—T. Petch, Ley- tonstone. GEOLOGY. Changes in the Essex Coast.—For several years the British Association has been receiving, by permission of the Admiralty, systematic reports from the Coastguards, with reference to changes in the coast of Great Britain. A great mass of matter has thus accumulated in the form of tabular returns, and an analysis of this material, by Mr. John Parkinson, has recently been published by the Association. The following is the only information given with regard to Essex :— " Concerning the coast from Harwich to the Roach River, observations from