RULES. (1.) This Society shall be called 'The Photographic and Pictorial Survey and Record of Essex,' and shall be a Committee of the Council of the Essex Field Club, and shall consist of the Officers of the Essex Field Club, the Curator of the Essex Museum (ex-officio) and an Honorary Secretary, with the addition of (subject to their acceptance) the Chairman of the Education Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, the Principal of the Technical Institute, the Secretary of the Essex Archaeological Society ; and such co-opted members as may be nominated by the Council of the Survey. (2.) All those persons referred to in Rule 1 shall be denomi- nated the Council of the Survey, hereinafter referred to as 'the Council,' whose Executive Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-Presidents, an Hon. Treasurer, an Hon. Secretary, and the Curator of the Essex Museum (ex-officio). The President of the Essex Field Club tor the time being shall be the President of this Council. (3.) The objects of the Society shall be :— (a) To obtain and to preserve, by permanent photographic process, drawing, painting or engraving, records of antiquities, anthropology, buildings of interest, geology, natural history, passing events of local or historical importance, portraits, scenery, maps, plans and docu- ments, so as to give a comprehensive survey of all that is valuable and representative of the County of Essex, and of the neighbouring rivers and sea. Lantern slides of a like nature shall also be admissible. (b) To promote intercourse with kindred societies, Archaeo- logical Societies and Photographic Societies, and to exchange prints therewith. (c) To arrange where possible for the photographing of any objects not generally accessible. (4.) The photographs, pictures, engravings, plans, etc., as defined by Rule 3, collected by the agency of the Council, shall be deposited in the Essex Museum of Natural History (the Passmore Edwards Museum) in accordance with the Agreement between the Corporation of West Ham and the Essex Field Club for the management of the Museum, and with rule 9. Duplicates may be exchanged or deposited with any other Museum, Library, or other depository, at the discretion of the Council. (5.) That a special Committee of Selection and Advice shall consist of the President as Chairman, the Hon. Treasurer, the Principal of the Technical Institute, the Curator of the Essex