3 Museum, the Hon. Secretary, and five other members of the Council, all of whom shall be elected annually, and shall be eligible for re-election by the Council. The present Committee shall consist of:— Mr. F. W. Rudler, I.S.O., F.G.S. (President). Mr. John Avery. Mr. I. Chalkley Gould. „ F. J. Brand. Professor Meldola, F.R.S. „ A. E. Briscoe, B.Sc. Mr. W. C. Waller, F.S.A. „ W. Cole, F.L.S. „ Horace Wilmer, F.R.P.S. Mr. Victor Taylor (Hon. Secretary). (6.) Prints must be made by Carbon, Platinum, or other permanent process, and be forwarded unmounted to the Essex Museum, accompanied by full particulars. Whole plate (81/2 x 61/2) and half plate (61/2 x 43/4) shall be the standard sizes for prints, but prints or negatives of a smaller size may be accepted. They should be sent to the Hon. Secretary of the Survey at the Museum, and, when approved by the Committee of Selection, will be mounted and labelled, and deposited in the permanent collection. Engravings, paintings, sketches, maps, plans, and documents are also solicited. (7.) The copyright of a photograph shall remain the property of the owner of the negative, unless otherwise agreed. (8.) The Society shall consist of members contributing not less than 2s. 6d. per annum ; subscribers of not less than 10s. 6d. per annum shall be eligible for election as Vice-Presidents. These contributions, and any other subscriptions or donations, shall be carried to a fund for Secretarial and other expenses. New Members shall be admitted by the Council at their discretion, on the proposal of at least one Member. (9.) The expenses of mounting, arranging, cataloguing, and generally of conserving the photographs and other objects will be defrayed by the Museum, and by any outside contributions available after payment of expenses referred to in Rule 8. (10.) The Council shall meet in June and December; the Meetings of the special Committee of Selection and Advice shall be held not less than four times a year ; or when called by the Secretary. At Meetings of the Council five shall form a quorum; and in the case of the Committee of Selection, three shall form a quorum. (11.) An Annual Meeting of the Members of the Society shall be held in some convenient place in Essex or in London, at which a report of the work done shall be given, and the assistance of the donors and workers acknowledged. If possible, an Exhibition of the photographs and other objects shall be held at least once a year.