4 (12.) The public shall be permitted to inspect the collections under such rules and regulations as may be drawn up by the Council and by the Curator of the Museum, subject to the rules laid down for the opening of the Museum. (13.) Subscriptions shall be due and payable on 1st January in each year, and upon admission as a Member. (14.) Alterations of these rules shall be made only at an Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting. (15.) The Committee may make and alter such By-laws and Regulations not inconsistent with the rules, as they from time to time shall think necessary. BY-LAWS. Conditions as to the Acceptance of Photographs, &c. (1.) Prints should be made by Carbon, Platinotype, or other permanent process, and forwarded unmounted to the Hon. Secretary at the Essex Museum. (2.) Such prints must be accompanied by descriptive Schedules, giving information as to the object photographed, the date on which the negative was taken, the process used for printing, and the name and address of the photographer. These Schedules may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary on applica- tion. (3.) Although whole plate (81/2 by 61/2) and half plate (61/2 by 43/4) are the standard sizes for prints, smaller prints may be sent in for inspection, and will, if approved, be retained. Hand camera negatives may be accepted if suitable for enlargement. (4.) Suitable engravings, sketches, paintings, maps, plans and documents are also solicited. (5.) In sending unmounted photographs, prints, or drawings, care should be taken to protect them by enclosure between very stout pieces of cardboard, cut slightly larger than the print and perfectly flat ; or in rigid cardboard cylinders. (6.) When making negatives, some object, the length or height of which (as specified in the Schedule) will show proportionate scale, should be included in the photograph. (7.) Enlargements from negatives lent shall remain the pro- perty of the Society. Reasonable care will be exercised, but the Society will not be responsible for any damage to the negatives. (8.) Members and others who are willing to undertake the survey and record of their own or special districts should communicate with the Hon. Secretary, as it is desirable to avoid unnecessary duplication in the work of the Survey.