2 VI.—Certain Members, not more than three in each town or district, may be nominated by the Council to act as "Corresponding Members" or "Recorders." The names and addresses of such Corresponding Members shall be printed with the list of Officers, and their duties shall be to record the occurrence of rare animals, plants, the exposure of interesting geological sections, etc.; to communicate to the Head-quarters any information likely to be useful to the society ; to aid in the organization of Field Meetings ; and generally to watch over the welfare and progress of the Club in their respective districts. VII.—At an Ordinary Meeting in January or February nominations shall be made of candidates to fill the offices of President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant- Secretary, the two Librarians, and vacancies on the Council. Such nominations as regards Members of the Council other than the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, and Librarians, shall be made by resolutions, duly moved and seconded ; no Member being entitled to propose more than one Candidate. The President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, and Librarians shall be nominated by the Council, but any Member shall be at liberty to propose any other Member for the office of President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, or Librarians in lieu of any Member so nominated by the Council, such proposal being duly seconded ; no Member being entitled to propose more than one candidate. A list of all nominations made as above shall be printed in alphabetical order upon the ballot-paper. At the annual General Meeting in the month of March all the above Officers and Members of Council shall be elected by ballot from the Candidates. Should a vacancy occur in the Council, by retirement or otherwise, the Council shall have power to nominate any Member of the Club to fill the vacancy until the next General Meeting. VIII.—In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, the Members present at any meeting of the Club shall elect a Chairman for that meeting. IX.—Every Candidate for Membership shall be proposed by two or more Members, who shall sign a certificate (see Appendix B) in recommendation of him or her, one at least of the proposers so certifying from personal knowledge ; and every Candidate for Election shall sign an undertaking to abide by the Rules, if elected (see Appendix B). The Certificate shall be read from the chair at the Ordinary Meeting following its receipt by the Secretary, or advertised in the next following circular and the Candidate balloted for at the next following Ordinary Meeting, one black ball in six to exclude ; or the Chairman of the Meeting may take the election by show of hands. X.—The Annual Subscription for Ordinary Members, with the exception of Associates specially mentioned and provided for in Rule XL, shall be a minimum of fifteen shillings, payable immediately after their election, with an Entrance Fee of 10s. 6d.,* and afterwards becoming due in advance on the first day of January in each year ; Members elected within two months before the thirty-first day of December shall be exempt from payment of subscription for the year in which they are elected, but shall not be entitled to receive the publications of the Club issued during that year without payment. The minimum Annual Subscription of Members of the Club elected previous to the 1st of January, 1893 shall be 10s. 6d. as heretofore, with an optional additional annual [*At a Meeting on March 27th, 1897, it was agreed, "That the entrance-fee be sus- pended as from the 1st January, 1897, for such time as the Council may consider necessary."]