6 maps, books, pictures, engravings, articles, and things of a scientific, artistic, antiquarian, or topographical character now belonging to the Club, other than and except such of them as are known as the Epping Forest Collection, all the said instruments, specimens, maps, books, pictures, engravings, articles, and things, except the said Epping Forest Collection, shall, on completion of the said building and notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules of the Club, Nos. 1 to 36 (now Nos. 1—29) both inclusive, be removed thereto to be held and dealt with and managed under the regulations and conditions contained in the said Agreement. XXXI. (Formerly 36B).—That notwithstanding anything contained in the hereinafter-mentioned Rules of the said Club, the said Agreement shall be binding on the said Club and Members and Trustees thereof, and on the property thereof and be carried into effect, and the said William Cole shall be entitled to indemnity out of the funds and property of the Club against liability under the said Agreement, and any costs or expenses he may incur by reason of his having executed the same. XXXII. (Formerly 36c).—That the aforesaid Resolutions be Rules of the Club, and be inserted after Rule 36 (now Rule 29) ; and be numbered 36A and 36B (now 30 and 31) and Rules 1 to 36 inclusive (now Nos. 1—29) be binding and effectual only so far as they are not inconsistent with Rules 36Aand 36B (now Rules 30 and 31) or either of them."* XXXIII.—No Rule shall be repealed or altered, nor shall any addition be made to these rules, except by a majority of votes of the Members present at an Ordinary or Special Meeting. Notice of the intention to move such repeal, alteration, or addition having been given at the Ordinary Meeting immediately preceding the Meeting at which such repeal, alteration, or addition shall be moved, if such Meeting be an Ordinary Meeting, or by printed notice sent by post in manner hereafter mentioned, when such Meeting shall be a Special Meeting. The Council may at any time, and shall, upon a requisition signed by not less than twelve Members, convene a Special Meeting; and a printed notice stating the purpose for which the Meeting is convened shall be sent by post to each Member, not less than ten days before the date fixed for such Meeting. XXXIV.—A copy of these rules shall be sent by the Secretary to each Member upon election to membership of the Club, but no Member shall be excused from their operation on the plea of not having received or read the said rules. * The former numbering of the last three Rules is that which obtained when the Agreement with the Corporation of West Ham was sanctioned at the Special Meeting of the Club held on October 4th, 1893. The Rules are now somewhat reduced, hence the two sets of numbers.