8 employ as its own officer a person to superintend arrange and manage the said collection to be called the Curator. The Club may dismiss any Curator and appoint another from time to time but shall always keep some person employed in that office. The Corporation shall retain the control of the building subject to the use of the said rooms as aforesaid and shall have the right to determine the terms and times on and at which respectively the Museum shall be open to the public and other details connected with the use of the Museum as a public institution and shall carry on such control by means of its own officers and servants. (4) The Corporation shall allow the Club to deposit its Library in the Museum buildings the said Library being the property of and under the sole control of the Club. (5) The said Building shall be open to the Curator and to Members of the Club every day between the hours of ten a.m. and nine p.m. and the Corporation shall provide for the opening of the building to the Curator and the Members of the Club on days and at times between the said hours although the public may not be admissible, (6) The Club shall do its best to extend the collections to assist the Curator in the arrangement and improvement of them and will ask its expert members and friends to join in the work to the best of their ability so that the scheme of a County and Educational Museum set forth in Clause 10 of this Agreement may be carried out in the best possible way. (7) The Club shall pay and contribute Fifty pounds per annum to the Museum Maintenance Fund in addition to any annual or other donations which may be subscribed or given to the Club for the special purpose for which the Museum Maintenance Fund is established by individual members of the Club or other persons. The said annual contribution of Fifty pounds shall commence as from the date of this Agreement. All such annual or other donations shall be carried by the Treasurer of the Club to a separate account to be called the "Museum Maintenance Fund" and the Club shall cause to be prepared and presented to the Corporation annually an account of all con- tributions receipts and payments to for and out of or on account of the said Fund. (8) The Club will endeavour to raise by public subscription or other- wise iu as short a time as may reasonably be possible a Fund to be called "The Museum Purchase Fund" and the amount of the Fund which the Club is so enabled to raise shall be applied in the purchase at the discretion of the Council of the Club of additions to the said general collection of articles and things of a nature hereinbefore mentioned to be comprised in such collection and for the obtaining of special expert assistance in determining and arranging collections and other expenses of a like nature which may be required in the Museum. (9) The Club will as heretofore keep the said general collection and all additions thereto covered by Insurance against loss by fire and will apply any moneys received under such Insurance in replacing as far as possible such articles and things as shall be destroyed or damaged by fire. (10) The Museum shall be primarily a local museum serving to illustrate in the most scientific and modern manner possible with the means at command the biology geology meteorology topography ethnology pre-historic and other antiquities agriculture fisheries manufactures industries of Essex and the neigh.