THE ESSEX NATURALIST: BEING THE Journal of the Essex Field Club FOR 1905-19O6. (VOLUME XIV.) ON NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUMS. An Address delivered to the Essex Field Club at the Annual Meeting, April 8th, 1905, By F. W. RUDLER, I.S.O., F.G.S., President. THE members of the Essex Field Club have met together on this occasion under circumstances of an exceptionally interesting character. As pointed out in the notice convening this meeting, the Club has now completed the twenty-fifth year of its history. Not only has it gone on for a quarter of a century regularly holding its evening meetings and its field meetings, but during this long period it has enjoyed the advantage of retaining uninterruptedly the services of its Honorary Secretary and Founder, Mr. William Cole. Moreover, for nearly the whole of this long term he has been associated in the Secretarial work with Mr Benjamin G. Cole. This exemplary devotion of two brothers to the service of our Club—not to mention the valued assistance of Mr. Henry A. Cole and of the ladies of the family—seems to me deserving of some recognition, more sub- stantial in character than the verbal thanks formally voted at an Annual Meeting. But Mr. W. Cole, having the interest of the Club ever at heart, assured us some time ago that the recognition of the twenty-fifth Anniversary which would best please him would be the means of completing the Epping Forest Museum. Just as the Club itself originated with Mr. W. Cole, so this museum owes to him its initiation ; and it is consequently but natural that he should desire to see his ideas brought to maturity. Whatever ; therefore, may be done on some future occasion, our immediate attention should be given to this modest suggestion with regard to the Forest Museum; and I think I cannot do A