44 THE BRITISH WOODLICE. Circulatory system—The blood being aerated in the abdominal appendages, we find that the heart is situated towards the hinder end of the body (fig. 18). Three main arteries supply the thorax and head, while the blood is brought from the gills to the heart. Excretory system.—The ex- cretory organs consist of a (a) pair of so-called "shell glands," which are considered to be the equivalents of the excretory tubes or nephridia of annelid worms. In the Woodlouse these excretory organs open on the second pair of maxillae. They are composed of a tube (sacculus) closed at one end and more or less bent upon itself (5, p. 261) which com- municates with a labyrinth that is provided with an excretory orifice. Matters are eliminated by the epithelial cells [the his- tology has been described and figured in Ligidium hypnorum (66)], which are very large in Ligia oceanica.