56 THE BRITISH WOODLICE. SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION AND SYNOPSIS OF GENERIC CHARACTERS. Order—ISOPODA. Tribe—ONISCOIDA. Section I.—LIGIAE. The Two Divisions of the Tail Appendages alike in Shape. (A.)—Flagellum with 10 or more joints; tail appendages wholly visible ; head without lateral lobes . Ligiidae. (1.)—Abdomen broad ; body large; habitat the sea-shore . . . . Ligia. (2.)—Abdomen narrow; habitat wet moss . Ligidium. (B.)—Flagellum with less than 10 joints ; head with small lateral lobes, tail appendages partly covered Trichoniscidae. (3.)—Abdomen narrow ; eyes compound ; flagellum usually with more than 3 joints .... Trichoniscus. (4.)—Abdomen narrow ; eyes simple or want- ing; flagellum with 4 joints . . Trichoniscoides. (5.)—Abdomen broad (comparatively); eyes simple; back with longitudinal; ridges ; flagellum with 3 joints . Haplophthalmus. Section II.—ONISCI. The Outer Divisions of the Tail Appendages Broader than the Inner. (A.)—Tail appendages projecting when the animal is walking ------ Oniscidae (a.)—Unable to roll up into a complete ball. (6.)—Flagellum with 3 joints; abdomen broad ; head, with lateral lobes . Oniscus. (7.)—Flagellum with 3 joints; abdomen narrow; head without lateral lobes . Philoscia. (8.)—Flagellum with 1 joint; eyes wanting ; abdomen broad ; habitat, ant's nests Platyarthrus. (9.)—Flagellum with 2 joints; abdomen broad ; frontal lobe projecting . Porcellio. (10.)—Flagellum with 2 joints; abdomen narrow .... Metoponorthus. (b.)—Able to roll up into a complete ball. (11.)—Flagellum with 2 joints ; antennae folded together over the thorax when the animal is rolled up into a ball . Cylisticus. (B.)—Tail appendages not projecting when the animal walking ..... ARMADILLIDIIDAE. (12.)—Flagellum with 2 joints ; antennae hidden or carried at the sides of the head when the animal is rolled up into a ball .... Armadillidium. [To be continued.]