58 THE BEETLES OF THE EASTERN COUNTIES. orbicularis, Rhizophagus perforatus, Tryphillus suturalis, Dyphyllus lunatus,* Agrilus laticornis,* Cis hispidus, Strophosomus retusus, Hypera plantaginis, Onthophilus striatus* Mycetota hirta, Monotoma quadri- collis,* and Stilicus fragilis.* I am surprised, in comparing these meagre records with the Victoria History list, to find among them no less than ten additions to the county list ; these are marked with an asterisk. Since my enumeration of our Coleoptera last year, thirty- three species have been added to the "Coleoptera of Suffolk,"3 and Mr. James Edwards, F.E.S., has added seven species in the Transactions of the Norfolk Naturalists' Society, 1904, pp. 744-5, to the 1,796 species which he had previously noticed from Norfolk.4 A comparison of the Essex list with these is most instructive—all the following one hundred and seventy-four species are hitherto quite unknown to occur in either of the more northern counties. I have taken the opportunity of appending a comparative table, illustrating the distribution of the various groups in the Eastern Counties. The only species I have excluded from the Essex list is Brachinus sclopeta, a very doubtful insect as British, which should be placed in the same category as Chrysomela gloriosa in Suffolk and Cardiophorus ruficollis in Norfolk ; nor have I included my own records, mentioned above, in so unofficial a review as the present. BEETLES PECULIAR TO ESSEX. GEODEPHAGA Hydroporus rivalis Dyschirius extensus Agabus biguttatus Stenolophus elegans Acupalpus consputus PALPICORNIA Anisodactylus paeciloides Paracymus nigro-aeneus Pterostichus inaequalis Spercheus emarginatus Anchomenus atratus Ochthebius aeneus „ junceus Hydraena nigrita Bembidium paludosum Trechus lapidosus BRACHELYTRA Microglossa gentilis HYDRADEPHAGA Oxypoda exoleta Hydroporus alatus ,, lentula 3 The Coleoptera of Suffolk, by Claude Morley, F.E.S., &c. Plymouth, J. H. Keys, Printer, Whimple Street, 3s. 6d. 4 Fauna and Flora of Norfolk, part xii.: Coleoptera. By James Edwards, F.E.S. (Trans. Norf. Soc, 1893, p. 427-508); "Additions," lib. cit. 1899, pp. 515-527.