66 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. THE 235th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, January 28th, 1905. This meeting was held as usual in the Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6.30 p.m., the President, Mr. F. W. Rudler, F.G.S., in the chair. New Member.—Miss Eva Whitley, B.Sc, of 18, Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W., was elected a member of the Club. Recent Additions to the Museum.—Mr. W. Cole exhibited a specimen of Putorius hibernicus, the Irish Stoat, which has been only recently added to the British Fauna. For a long time it was regarded as a large weasel. It is remark- able for not turning white in winter, as the Common Stoat so generally does. Also fine specimens of the Wild Cat (Felis catus) and of Lepus timidus, the Mountain Hare. These specimens had been obtained and set up specially for the museum by Messrs. Sherrin Bros., the Club's taxidermists. Mr. Cole also showed a specimen of the Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) employed by the Dutch hawk-catchers to give warning of the approach of a hawk. This specimen had been presented by Mr. J. E Harting. F.L.S , to be added to his fine collection illustrating the modern practice of Falconry, already in the main hall of the Museum. Mr. John Spiller, F.I.C., exhibited photographs showing the extraordinary damage to the East Coast of England by weather and sea action during the last few weeks, and made some explanatory remarks on the same. Papers Read.—Mr. T. S. Dymond, F.C.S., read a paper entitled "Sulphate of Lime in Essex Soils and Sub-Soils." The paper was illustrated by a table showing the proportion of sulphuric acid in soils from 20 separate Essex stations. [Ante p. 62.] The President congratulated Mr. Dymond on his appointment to his new but important post, that of Inspector under the Board of Education, to advise on matters of Education and of Nature-study in Rural Schools, and made some remarks on points in the paper. Mr. Spiller also spoke on the subject. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Dymond for his paper. Mr. F. J. Chittenden, of the County Technical Laboratories, Chelmsford, then read a paper entitled "The Bog-Mosses (Sphagnacae) of Essex : a contribution to a Flora of the County." Mr. Chittenden's explanations were accompanied by drawings on the black- board, and by a set of Essex specimens of the group. The paper will be published in the Essex Naturalist in due course. A discussion on the paper took place, carried on by the President, Mr. Barnard, the Author, and others, and Mr. Chittenden was cordially thanked for a very interesting addition to the County Monographs already issued under the auspices of the Club. THE 236th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, February 25th, 1905. The fourth meeting of the winter session was held in the Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6.30 p.m., the President, Mr. F. W. Rudler, I.S.O., F.G.S., in the chair.