68 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. The vote of thanks was carried by acclamation, and Professor Thompson replied. The Hymenomycetal Fungi of Essex. — The Secretary read an abstract of a paper by Dr. M. C. Cooke, A.L.S., &c., and Mr. George Massee, F.L.S., being a "Revised List of the Hymenomycetal Fungi of Essex ; a contribution to a Flora of the County." The list will appear in the Essex Nat., and will be probably reprinted in separate form to serve as a check-list at the Fungus Forays of the Club. THE 25th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND SPECIAL MEETING. Saturday, April 8th, 1905. The 24th Annual Meeting of the Club was held at the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 4 p.m., Mr. F. W. Rudler, President, in the Chair. The minutes of the 24th Annual Meeting, held on April 16th, 1904, and printed in the Essex Naturalist, Vol. xiii., pp. 262-3, were read and con- firmed. The Secretary submitted the Annual Report of the Council for the year 1904. Mr. Rudler said that the Council desired to add to the report a special paragraph referring to Messrs. W. and B. G. Cole and the Misses Cole, and he read the draft of the same, which is appended to the report. Mr. David Howard, J.P., the Treasurer, submitted his financial statement for the year 1904. The report and treasurer's statement were unanimously received and adopted. Both the report and statement are printed in the Year-hook and Calendar for 1905-6, and this plan will be adopted in the future. The Secretary presented the account of the Tea Fund for the Session 1904-5. The receipts had been £3 1s. 6d. and the expenditure £5 7s. 6d. (including a balance of £1 15s. 3d. from former session), leaving an adverse balance of £2 6s. At the Meeting on February 7th last, the following Members retired from the Council by the Rules:—Messrs. Andrew Johnston, J.P., F. W. Reader, Percy Clark, and Alfred Lockyer. The first two offered themselves for re-election, and were duly nominated. To fill the vacancies, Mr. Victor Taylor and Mr. J. M. Wood, CE. were nominated. As Officers for 1905. the following were nominated :— President—Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S. Treasurer—Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S., Pres.I.C. Hon. Secretaries—Mr. W. Cole and Mr. B. G. Cole. Librarian—Mr. Thomas W. Reader, F.G.S. Auditors—Mr. Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., and Mr. J. D. Cooper. No other Members having been proposed, the above-named gentlemen Stood elected as Members of the Council and Officers for 1905, and were so declared by the Chairman. The Chairman said that the Council recommended the election of Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson, D.Sc., F.R.S., &c., as one of the Honorary Members, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the lamented death of Prof. G. B. Howes, F.R.S., and the proposal was unanimously adopted by the meeting.