THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 69 The President intimated that he would reserve his address until the evening meeting, in accordance with the announcement made in the circular, Mr. Howard said that they ought to express to Mr. Rudler the best thanks of the Members and Council, for the care and high scientific qualities which he had devoted to the Club during his two years of office. (Applause.) The Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma also emphasised the debt they owed to their retiring President, and begged to move a vote of thanks to the several Officers for their work. He considered it a remarkable fact that a local Society should maintain a vigorous life during so long period as 25 years, and still show full power tor future work. He thought that they all recognised the excellent efforts of their Officers. The thanks to the President and Officers were carried amidst applause. Mr. Christy desired to thank the Club for the honour done to him in choosing him as President. He had been connected with Club ever since its foundation, and felt a most sincere interest in its welfare. He hoped that a strong effort would be made to increase the membership of the Club, and to spread its- influence more widely in the County. He would submit some proposals to the Council, with this end in view, during the year. The meeting was then declared Special, in order to consider and adopt the Amended Rules. The Secretary had summarised the alterations and additions to the rules in the circular calling the Meeting, and proofs of the Amended Rules were on the table. On the proposal of the President the Rules were adopted unanimously by the Meeting. Copies of the Amended Rules have since been sent to all Members of the Club, and the Rules are printed in the Year-book, a copy of which will be sent to- each Member, The Meeting then adjourned for tea, to re-assemble in the evening. THE 237th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, April 8th, 1905. The Annual Meeting having been held in the afternoon, an Ordinary Meeting was held after tea, at 0.30 o'clock, Mr. F. W. Rudler, V.P., in the chair. New Member.—Mr. Frank Thompson, Slyder's Gate, Loughton, was elected a Member. Exhibits.—Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., exhibited a considerable assortment of fossils and minerals, from various parts of the world, which he had obtained during his recent professional journeys :— (1) He drew special attention to marl crowded with small Rissoa, &c., from the Miocene of Frankport-on-Main, which he had brought for comparison with similar accumulations on the present shores of Essex. (2 Also a small collection of shells gathered in the course of a few hours delay on the shore of the Okhotsk Sea on the eastern side of the island of Sakhalin. Their resemblance to, if not specific identity with, our British Myadae, Tellinidae, Mactridae, Buccinidae, &c., is remarkable, in view, less of the wide difference of longitude between Sakhalin and Essex, than of the difficulties, in respect of temperature, to any interchange of marine forms across either the Polar or the Equatorial seas.