88 THE BRITISH WOODLICE. consideration. Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii is small and white and the edges of its side plates are toothed, but it is oval in shape, possesses no eyes, and its stout antennae have but a single joint to the flagellum instead of four. On the Continent this species has been found in rich soil. BRITISH LOCALITIES :— England: Eton ; (Stebbing, 71a, p. 113). FOREIGN DISTRIBUTION :— Europe: France ; Wimereux and Lyons, Foret (25) : Norway ; Denmark ; (59) Genus—HAPLOPHTHALMUS Schobl, 1850 (66), p. 449 . Abdomen broad (comparatively) ; eyes simple ; flagellum with three joints ; back tenth longitudinal ridges. The body of Haplophthalmus is long in proportion to its width, but there is no abrupt decrease in the breadth of the abdomen as seen in Trichoniscus and Trichoniscoides. The eyes are simple as in the latter genus and the lateral lobes of the head are rather large, while the side plates of the body are well separated. Haplophthalmus mengii Zaddach. Plate VII. 1844 Itea mengii Zaddach (77), p. 16. 1860 Haplophthalmus elegans Schobl (66), p. 440. 1885 Haplophthalmus mengii Budde-Lund (8), p. 250 1898 Haplophthalmus mengii Sars (59), p. 167, pl. LXXIV., fig. 1. The Rev. Canon Norman discovered two specimens of this species in Ireland in June, 1899 (50) ; in the previous year one of us (Mr. Webb) found a single example at Eton Wick. The main differences between the members of this genus and their allies are set forth in the generic description and incidentally elsewhere, so we shall content ourselves with giving the distinctive points of the two British species. Haplophthalmus mengii has a number of raised longitudinal ribs on each segment of the thorax, the outer ridges being somewhat broken. There are also two prominent ribs upon the third segment of the abdomen. BRITISH LOCALITIES:— England: Eton; (Stebbing, 71a, p. 114). Ireland : Corcumroe Abbey ; Co. Clare (Norman, 50). FOREIGN DISTRIBUTION:— Europe: France; (25): Norway; Prussia; Germany; Bohemia; (59).