THE BRITISH WOODLICE. 91 Genus—PHILOSCIA Latreille, 1804 (37), p. 43. Flagellum with three joints; abdomen narrow; head without lateral lobes. If any further differences of an obvious kind be required to distinguish Philoscia from Oniscus, one at least will be found in the much greater development of the hinder legs in the former genus. Philoscia muscorum Scopoli. Plate X. [Not of Lereboullet, which is an Oniscus, see Bate and Westwood (1).] 1763 Oniscus muscorum Scopoli (67), p. 415. 1793 Oniscus sylvestris Fabricius (26), p. 397. 1793 Oniscus agilis Koch in Panzer (51), part 9, pl. XXIV. 1833 Philoscia marmorata Brandt (3), p. 183. 1838 Ligia melanocephala Koch (34), part 22, pl. XVIII. 1847 Zia melanocephala Koch (38), part 40, pl. I. ?, p. 212. 1868 Philoscia muscorum Bate and Westwood (I), p. 1898 Philoscia muscorum Sars (59), p. 174, pl. LXXVL., fig. 1. This species lives chiefly at the roots of grass and under the stones or sticks that lie among it. Philosoia muscorum has a very smooth and shining body, and its long legs enable it to move very rapidly. The ground colour of its dorsal surface varies from light yellow to deep brown. There are characteristic dark markings down the middle of the thorax and on the sides, between which are lighter patches. In dark coloured speci- mens the markings are by no means so evident. BRITISH LOCALITIES :— England: High Beach, Epping; Warley; (W.M.W.): Maldon; (W.M.W. from R.M.) : Kew; Langley ; Hanwell, yellow variation ; Bluebell Hill, Maidstone ; (W.M.W.) : Liphook ; (C.S.) : Pamber Forest ; Kingston-on-Soar ; (W.M.W.) Scotland: (Scott, 68). Ireland : Almost throughout ; (Scharff, 63). FOREIGN DISTRIBUTION :— Europe: France; (25): Spain; (12): Sicily; (19): Hertsogovinia; (22): Sweden; (21) : Norway; Denmark; Prussia; Germany; Holland; Poland;. Austria; Italy; (59): Sardinia; (21). Africa : Algeria ; Tunis ; (24).