92 THE BRITISH WOODLICE. Philoscia couchii Kinahan. Plate XI. 1858 Philoscia conchii Kinahan (33), p. 195, pl. XXIII., fig. 4. 1868 Philoscia conchii Bate and Westwood (1), p. 1885 Ligidium conchii Budde-Lund (8), p. 257. 1885 Philoscia lonigicornis Budde-Lund (8), p. 221, 1897 Philoscia conchii Dollfus (21), p. 72, pl. I., fig. 1. Philoscia couchii is an inhabitant of the sea-side; it is smaller than the last species, its colour to the naked eye is a uniform lead-grey, and its antennae are very large (compared with its size) and hairy. This species was discovered by Professor Kinahan when in the company of Messrs. Bate and Westwood near Polperro in Cornwall in the year 1858, and dried specimens presented by him are in the British Museum (Natural History). BRITISH LOCALITIES: - England: Talland Cove ; Polperro ; (Bate and Westwood, 1): Salcombe, Devon ; (Norman, 49): Meadefoot, Torquay ; (Stebbing in 49). FOREIGN DISTRIBUTION:— Europe. France; (25): Spain; (12): Sicily; (19): Sebastopol; (Norman, 49). Africa : Azores ; Canaries ; Morocco ; Algiers ; Tunis ; Egypt ; Senegal; (24). Atlantic Isles: Canaries; Azores; (21), Asia: Syracuse; Bazone (18). Genus—PLATYARTHRUS Brandt, 1833 (3), p. 174. [Typhloniscus Schobl (66), p. 279.] Flagellum with one joint; eyes wanting; abdomen broad; habitat, ants' nests. The broad body, which is much flattened, and the very thick antennae distinguish Platyarthrus from the other small woodlice (Trichoniscidae). Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii Brandt. Plate XII. 1833 Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii Brandt (3), p. 174, pl. IV., fig. 10. 1844 Itea crassicornis Koch (34), part 36, pl. V. 1860 Typhloniscus steinii Schobl (66), p. 282. 1868 Platyarthus hoffmannseggii Bate and Westwood (1). p. 1898 Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii Sars (59), p. 175, pl. LXXVL, fig. 2. Up to the present this is the only Woodlouse which has been found in the nests of British ants. It is small and oval, its