THE BRITISH WOODLICE. 95 America: Greenland; North America ; Sandwich Isles ; (B.M.) ; Mexico; (59): St. Paul; St. Croix; (59); Ascension; Tristan; d'Acunha; (23) Asia : Ceylon ; Kamtschatka : (23). Australia: Melbourne; Sydney; Tasmania; New Zealand; (B.M., Chilton). Africa: Azores ; Canaries ; Cape of Good Hope ; (24) Porcellio pictus Brandt and Ratzeburg. Plate XIV. 1833 Porcellio pictus Brandt and Razteburg (4). p. 78, pl. 12, fig. 5. 1839 Porcellio melanocephalus Koch 134), part 28, pl. XVIII. 1853 Porcellio melanocephalus Schnitzler (65), p. 24. 1856 Porcellio mixtus Fitcb (29), p 120 1868 Porcellio pictus Bate and Westwood (1), p 1898 Porcellio pictus Sars (59), p. 177, pl. LXXVII, fig. 1. There are tubercles on the body of Porcellio pictus, which is a striking looking animal. Its head is black with the lateral lobes curved outwards ; there is a dark band down the middle of the back and commonly two others on each side, with more or less conspicuous yellow markings between. The distal (terminal) joint of the flagellum is but half the length of the proximal one and the last peduncular joint is longer than the two combined. The abdominal appendages—1 and 2—are provided with air-tubes. BRITISH LOCALITIES : — England: Maldon; (W.M.W. from R.M.) : Chislehurst; (Bate and Westwood, 1) : Cooper's Hill, near Cheltenham ; (Norman, 49) : Exeter; (Parfitt, 53): Kent; (Bate and Westwood, 1.) Scotland : Between Leith and Portobello; (Scott, 68): Cumbrae (Scott, 68a): Ayrshire ; (Boyd in Norman, 49) : Banff; (T. Edwards in Norman, 49). Ireland : Dublin ; Belfast; Bate and Westwood, 1): Galway Maryborough; Queen's Co., Castel; and Caher Co. Tipperary; (R.F.S.) FOREIGN DISTRIBUTION:— Europe: Fiance; (25): North, West-Central, and East Europe; (8): Sweden; Norway; Denmark; Germany; Hungary; Russia; 59. North America : (8). Porcellio dilatatus Brandt. Plate XV. 1833 Porcellio dilatatus Brandt and Ratzeburg (4), p. 78. pl. 12., fig. 6. 1840 Porcellio scaber Milne-Edwards (not Latreille) (46), p. 167. 1868 Porcellio dilatatus Bate and Westwood (1). p. 1898 Porcellio dilatatus Sars (59), p. 179, pl. LXXVIL, fig. 2.