THE BRITISH WOODLICE. 107 light at Eton three species which at the time had not been recorded from the British Isles, while in Middlesex, no less than a dozen species were found at Hanwell. Since part of this contribution was printed our attention has been drawn to some notes by the Rev. Canon Norman and Professor G. S. Brady (50a). These bear out the remarks which have already been made, for among the species found by Professor Brady in the north of England were Trichoniscoides albidus, Haplophthalmus mengii, Porcellio rathkei, and Armadillidium pulchellum. In one of Canon Norman's previous papers (50— 1903) he claims to have added the second species to the British list, and in the notes in question a similar claim is made with regard to the first and third. It should, however, be pointed out that all three of them were found in Buckingham- shire in 1899 by Mr. Webb, and that they were exhibited at the Nature Study Exhibition held in London in August, 1902. A specimen of Armadillidium pulchellum from Matlock was sent to us by the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing in January, 1904, and was found, we understand, some considerable time previously. It only remains for us to express our hearty thanks to the numerous friends and correspondents who have given us their ready help. The names of these have been printed in the text, but we would like to mention more particularly Dr. Caiman, of the British Museum (Natural History), Monsieur Adrian Dollfus, Mr. Roland Matthams, the Rev. Canon Norman, Dr. Scharff, the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing, and Miss Willmott. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Explanation of the initials given in the text :— B.M.—Specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). C.S.—Charles Sillem. T.R.R.S.—The Rev. Thomas R. R. J.T.C.—John Thomas Carrington. Stebbing. J.A.M.—James A. Murie. W.M.W.—Wilfred Mark Webb. R.M.—Roland Matthams. R.W.—R. Welch. R.F.S.—R. F. Scharff. (1) BATE, C. SPENCE, and WESTWOOD, J.C.: A history of the British Sessile-eyed Crustacea, London, 1868. (2) BOSC, L. A. G. : Manuel de l'histoire Naturelle des Crustaces. Vol. II., Paris, 1830. (3) BRANDT, J. F. : "Conspectus Monographiae Crustaceorum Oniscodorum Latreillei," Bull. Soc. Nat., Moscow. Vol. VI. (1833), pp. 171-193. (4) BRANDT, J. F., and RATZEBURG, J. T. C. : Medizinische Zoologie. Vol. II., Berlin, 1830-1834.