THE BRITISH WOODLICE. 109 (29) FITCH, Asa.: Noxious Insects of New York. Albany, 1856. (30) GUERIN, F.E.: "Sur Porcellio Poeyi." Ann. Sci. Soc. Entom. de Fiance. Vol. VI. (Paris, 1837, In Bull. ent., page 6). (31) HELLER, C.: Reise der Novara; Crustacea. 1865. (32) KINAHAN, J.R. : "Analysis of certain genera of terrestrial Isopoda." Nat. Hist. Rev: Vol. IV, (1857). (33) KINAHAN, J.R.: "On the genera Philoscia, Itea and Philougria. Nat. Hist. Rev. Vol. V. 1858. (34) KOCH, C.L.: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden and Arachniden. Regensburg, 1835-1844. Koch's descriptions and figures were published in Deutschlands Crustaceen and appeared also in Panzer's Faunae Insectorum Germanica continued by Herrich Schäffer (which see). The number of the parts of the latter which correspond to those of the former are placed in square brackets after them in the list here given. Part 6 (1836) [139]; Part 22 (1838) [162]; Part 28 (1839) [178]; Part 34 (1840) [180]; Part 36 (1844) [186]. Some of the dates quoted will be found to differ from those usually given (in Budde-Lund (8, p. 7) for instance), and printed on the parts of the copy in the Zoological Society's Library. Our authority for this change is Mr. C. D. Sherborne, who bases his dates upon reviews which he has discovered. (35) KOCH, C. L. : System der Myriapoden mit den Verzeichnissen und Berichtigungen zu Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Regensburg, 1847. (36) LAMARCK, J. B.: Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertébres. Vol. V., 1818. (37) LATREILLE, P. A.: Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés et des Inscetes. Vol. VII.. Paris, 1804. (38) LEACH, W. E. : "Tabular view of the external characters of four classes of animals, which Linné arranged under Insectes." Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. XI., 1815. (39) LEREBOULLET, A.: "Memoire sur les Crustacés de la famille des Cloportides qui habitent les environs de Strasbourg." Mem. Soc. Mus. Hist. Nat. Strasbourg. Vol. IV., 1853, pp. 130, pl. X. (40) LEUCKART, R.: Verzeichnisz der zur Fauna Helgolands gehörenden wirbellosen Seethiere. Braunsweig, 1847. (41) LINNE, C.: Fauna Suecica. First edition, Holmiae, 1740. (42) LINNE, C.: Fauna Suecica. Second edition, Holmiae, 1761. (43) LINNE, C.: Systema Naturae, ed. 12, 1767. (44) MIERS, E. J.: "Catalogue of New Zealand Crustacea." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 4., Vol. XVII., 1876. (45) MIERS, E. J.: "On a collection of Crustacea (Decapoda and Isopoda), chiefly from South America." Proc. Zool. Soc., 1877, p. 653-678. (46) MILNE-EDWARDS, H.: Histoire naturelle des Crustacés. Vol. III. Paris, 1840. (47) NICHOLSON and LYDDEKER: Manual of Palaeontology, 1889, Vol. II., p. 559. (48) NORMAN, A. M.: "Note on the discovery of Ligidium agile, Persoon (Zia saundersii Stebbing)." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. XI., p. 419.