110 THE BRITISH WOODLICE. (49) NORMAN, A. M.: "British Land Isopoda." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 7), Vol. III. (1899), pp. 71-78, pl. VI. (50) NORMAN, A. M.: Continuation of the last. Vol. XI., 1903, pp. 309-372. (50a) NORMAN, A.M.: and BRADY C.S.: "British Land Isopoda." Second Supplement Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 7), Vol, XIV. (1904), pp. 449-450. (51) PANZER, G. W. F.: Faunae Insectorum Germanica initia, oder Deutschlands Insecten. Parts 1-110, Nurnberg, 1793-1813. (See Koch.) (52) PANZER, G. W. F.: Continuation by Herrich-Schäffer, Parts 111-190, 1829-1844. (See Koch.) (53) PARFITT, E.: "The Fauna of Devon." Sessile-Eyed Crustacea. Trans. Devon Assoc. Sci., Sept. 1873. (54) PERSOON: No paper upon Woodlice by this author is known, but he is quoted in Panzer's Deutschlands Insecten (51), which see. (55) PLATEAU, F.: "Crustacés Isopodes Terrestres." Bull. Acad. Roy. de Belgique, Ser. 2., Vol. XXIX., No. 2 (1870), p. 112. (56) RISSO, A.: Histoire Naturelle des Crustaces des environs de Nice. Paris, 1816. (57) ROBERTSON, D.: "Catalogue of the Amphipoda and Isopoda of the Firth of Clyde." Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. II. (1888), pp. 9-99. (58) ROULE, LOUIS: "Etudes sur le Development de Crustaces." Ann. Sci. Nat., Vol. XVIII. (1895), pp. 1-156, pls. I.-X. (59) SARS, G. O.: An account of the Crustacea of Norway. Vol. II., 1896- 1899. (60) SAUSSURE, H. de: "Diagnoses de quelques crustaces nouveaux des Antilles et du Mexique." Rev. et Mag. de Zool. (Ser. 2), Vol. IX. (1857), pp. 304-308. (61) SAVIGNY, J. C, and AUDOUIN, V. : Description de l'Egypte. Vol. XXII., 1827. (62) SAY, T.: "An account of the Crustacea of the United States," J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Vol. I., pt. II., 1818. (63) SCHARFF, R. F.: "The Irish Woodlice." Irish Naturalist, Vol. III., 1894, pp. 4-7 and 25-29, pl. II. (64) SCHARFF, R. F.: "The Woodlice of Co. Carlow." Irish Naturalist, 1895, p. 319. (65) SCHNITZLER, H. J.: De Oniscineis agri Bonnensis. (Thesis.), Cologne, 1853. (66) SCHOBL, J.: "Typhloniscus, eine neue blinde Gattung der Crustacea Isopoda." Sitzungsberichte der math. naturw. Acad. Wiss. Wien. Vol. XL. (1860), pp. 279-330. (67) SCOPOLI, J. A.: Entomologia Carniolica. Vindibonae, 1763. (68) SCOTT, T.: "The Land and Freshwater Crustacea of the District around Edinburgh." Proc. R. Phys. S. Edin., Vol. XL (1890-91), p. 75. (68a) SCOTT, T.: British Asssociation Hand Book on the Natural History of Glasgow. 1901; Isopoda, pp. 335 and 336. (69) SILL, VICTOR: "Beitrag zur Kentniss der Crustaceen, Arachniden and Myriapoden Siebenburgens." Verhandl. u. Mittheil. des Siebenburg- hischen Ver fur Naturwiss. zu Hermannstadt, Vol. XII. (1861), p. 1-11.