THE BOG-MOSSES OF ESSEX. 111 (70) STEBBING, T. R. R.: "On a Crustacean of the Genus Zia." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 4., Vol. XI. (1873). (71) STEBBING, T. R. R.: The Victoria County History of Essex (1903); Crustacea, pp. 27-28. (71a) STEBBING, T. R. R.: The Victoria County History of Buckinghamshire (1905); Crustacea. (72) VEJDOVSKYF: "Zur Morphologee der Antennen und Schalendruse der Crustaceen." Zeit. Wiss. Zool., Vol. LXIX., p. 378. (73) VERHOEF, K. W.: "Ueber Palaearktische Isopoden. Zool. Ant., Vol. XXIV. (74) WEBB, WILFRED MARK: "The occurrence in Essex of a species of Woodlouse (Isopoda) new to Britain (Porcellio ratzeburgii, Brandt)." Essex Naturalist, Vol. XI. (1899), p. 127. (75) WEBB, WILFRED MARK: "Notes on Woodlice" (Including extracts from a paper read before the North London Natural History Society by James B. Casserley). Science Gossip, Vol. VI., New Series (1900), pp. 295-296. (76) WEBER, MAX.: "Uber einige neue Isopoden der Niederlandischen Fauna." Tijdschr der Niederland Dierk veren, Vol. V. (1881), pp. 167-196, pl. V. (77) ZADDACH, E. G.: Synopses crustaceorum Prussicorum prodromus Regiomonti, 1844. (78) ZENKER, C. D.: No paper upon woodlice by this author is known, but he is quoted in Panzer's Deutschlands Insecten (51), which see. (79) ZITTEL, K. A. von: Textbook of Palaeontology. English Translation,. 1900, p. 668. THE BOG-MOSSES (SPHAGNACEAE) OF ESSEX: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY. Read by FRED. J. CHITTENDEN, County Technical Laboratories, Chelmsford. THE present paper is an attempt to collect the scattered records of the occurrence of the Bog-Mosses in Essex, to bring the nomenclature into line with more recently published lists, to define the limits of their distribution at the present day,. and to correlate their distribution with the geological formation of the county. In the Victoria History of Essex the following remark occurs respecting the Sphagnaceae or Bog-mosses: "Comparatively few species of Sphagna are recorded, but the list of species of this genus will probably be largely increased by further investi- gation."