117 PRESENTATION TO MR. WILLIAM COLE: A REPORT. BY MILLER CHRISTY. [At the request of the Council of the Essex Field Club and myself, the Editor of this journal has been good enough to place at my disposal a few pages in order to publish a report of a matter in which every member of the Club must feel a very special interest, though the Club itself is not officially connected there- with. For this courtesy, I tender thanks on behalf of myself and others concerned.] THE Foundation of the Essex Field Club, in 1880, was due to the initiative of Mr. William Cole, of Buckhurst Hill, who has acted ever since as its Honorary Secretary. To his energy is due, in the main, the leading position the Club now holds among local scientific societies and the establishment of its two Museums (the Epping Forest Museum, at Chingford, and the Essex Museum of Natural History, at Stratford). He took also a prominent part in the Freeing of Epping Forest. That a man should continue to act for over a quarter-of-a- century as Honorary Secretary of a society founded by himself is very unusual ; and, for some years past, it has seemed to me that the time was approaching when some movement to recognize formally and publicly Mr. Cole's long-continued and valuable scientific, educational, and other public work (carried on by him at considerable pecuniary sacrifice) would be not only timely but positively called for. When, therefore, I found myself President of the Club in the twenty-sixth year of its existence, an attempt to initiate some such movement seemed to be a duty laid upon me. On consulting with several Past Presidents, I found that one and all shared my view as to the opportuneness of such a movement. Thus encouraged, I approached others, with a view to forming a Committee to take action; for it was felt generally that the object aimed at could be attained better by a separate organiza- tion than by the Council of the Field Club. Ultimately, an influential Committee of thirty-two persons was formed as follows:— Professor R. Meldola, F.R.S.. Pres.C.S., &c. (Chairman). David Howard, D.L., F.I.C, F.C.S., &C. (Hon. Treasurer). Miller Christy, F.L.S. (Hon. Secretary), Geo. Avenell I. Chalkley Gould John Avery, F.S.S. J. E. Harting, F.Z.S., &c. Professor G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., Thomas Vincent Holmes, F.G.S., F.G.S. F.A.I.