PRESENTATION TO MR. WILLIAM COLE. 121 we owe to Mr. Cole for the inception of the Club, and for his untiring labours during the past twenty-five years as our Honorary Secretary and Editor of our Journal, All this will receive suitable expression, I feel sure, at the gathering on Saturday next. The labours of our Honorary Secretary and his colleagues have exerted an influence far beyond the limits of the Essex Field Club itself, which is now justly regarded as the normal Field Club, to which other kindred Societies look for guidance in all matters connected with their organization and administration. This fact is one which should not be lost sight of in expressing our gratitude to the Guest of the Evening. I am, my dear Meldola, sincerely yours, Horace T. BROWN. THE VICARAGE, PYRFORD, WOKING, November 13th, 1905. Dear Sir. I am very sorry that other engagements for December 9th, and my distance from Chingford, with a bad service of trains, precludes the possibility of my being present on that day at the William Cole Recognition Fund dinner. I am glad that your labours have been so successful, and trust that you will have a happy and pleasant gathering. Yours sincerely, R. Ashington BULLEN. KNIGHTON, BUCKHURST HILL, Nov. 30, 1905. Dear Mr. Christy, I find it will not be possible for me to attend the dinner at which the presentation to Mr. Cole is to be made. I shall have friends staying here at the time. I hope the occasion will be worthy of the object, with which I have the greatest sympathy. Yours very truly, E. N. BUXTON. EDEN HOLME, ATHERTON ROAD, FOREST GATE, E. December 8th, 1905. Dear Mr. Christy, I regret very much indeed that a severe cold and sore throat will prevent me attending the dinner to-morrow at the Royal Forest Hotel, Chingford, in honour of Mr. William Cole, whose great and invaluable services are so much appreciated by the members of the Corporation of West Ham and the great mass of people residing in that district. The Museum next to the Technical Institute will always remain a monument to his name, and gratitude will be expressed for years to come to the gentleman whose efforts brought such a useful and interesting exhibition in their midst. I sincerely hope the function will be a great success, and again regretting my inability to be present, Believe me. yours faithfully, JOHN BYFORD, jun. (Ex-Mayor of West Ham). BELLE FIELD, CHELMSFORD, Nov. 28, 1905. My dear Mr. Christy .....I should much like to have attended the dinner in honour of Mr. Wm. Cole, who has done so much for the Essex Field Club and has well earned any honour that may be offered him; but, for an old man, it is such a long journey from Chingford to Chelmsford after dinner that I think it more prudent to ask to be excused I remain, yours faithfully, Fred. CHANCELLOR.