122 PRESENTATION TO MR. WILLIAM COLE. NASH MILLS, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HERTS, Nov. 13, 1905. Dear Prof. Meldola, I much regret that it will not be possible for me to be present at the complimentary dinner to be given to Mr. William Cole on Dec. 9th. Will you kindly express to him and to those who are assembled to do him honour my high appreciation of his energetic work in the promotion of natural knowledge, otter him my congratulations on the success of his endeavours during the past twenty-five years, and tell him how heartily I join in all the good wishes that will be expressed for his being long spared to continue his useful labours. Believe me, yours sincerely, John EVANS. CLAREMONT HOUSE, WIMBLEDON COMMON, November 25, 1905. My dear Meldola, I shall not be able to be present at the dinner to Mr. Cole, but I should like to express my sense of the great value of his services to the Essex Field Club. We are all proud of the work that has been accomplished, directly and indirectly, through its activity. One knows how much an association like ours depends for its effectiveness on the "Permanent Head of the Department. I am sure I shall not be alone in giving expression to the feeling that we owe a great—a very great—deal of our healthy activity to the motive power of the Hon. Secretary, Yours sincerely, J. B. FARMER. BRICK HOUSE, MALDON, 1st December, 1905. Dear Mr. Christy, I fear I shall be unable to attend the complimentary dinner to Mr. William Cole on the 9th inst..... Should I be absent, I trust the Chairman will be able to express my very best wishes for the welfare of the Cole family in remembrance of many happy days spent together in the long ago with them and my colleagues of the Essex Field Club. Long may they and it continue to flourish. Yours very sincerely. Edward A. FITCH. 3, ENDSLEIGH STREET, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, W.C. Nov. 28, 1905. Dear Mr. Christy, . . . . I find that it will be quite impossible for me to attend, much as I should have wished it, so as to have been able to congratulate Mr. Cole and his family personally for the excellent work they have done. Yours very truly, F. Carruthers GOULD. WOODFORD GREEN, Nov. 12th, 1905. Dear Sir, We go to Hertfordshire on a visit on the 9th prox., so that I shall be unable to be at the dinner, with the object of which, as you know, I entirely sympathise, and am very glad that your efforts have been so successful. Yours very truly, Andw. JOHNSTON.