PRESENTATION TO MR. WILLIAM COLE. 123 BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, LONDON, S.W., Nov. 6th. My dear Meldola, I am sorry to be unable to attend the dinner at Chingford on Dec. 9th, and the presentation to Mr. William Cole. I am yet very far from having recovered from my severe illness, which laid me up all the summer. I can, however, join in the expression of appreciation of Mr. Cole's services to the Essex Field Club, and do so most cordially. The Club has done and is doing most valuable service in cultivating the best kind of field work. There is still plenty to be done, new things to be found and new facts discovered about old and well-known plants and animals. A. Club such as ours brings a constant supply of young naturalists into contact with the problems which have occupied the older generations, and a generous spirit of comradeship and enthusiasm in the study of Nature is the result of such organization. With best wishes, I am sincerely yours E. Ray Lankester. 43, HEAD STREET, COLCHESTER, Nov. 29, I0.05. Dear Mr. Christy, I am sorry I shall be unable to be present on the occasion of the presentation to the Hon. Sec. of the Essex Field Club. I should have been glad to have taken part in honouring our friend, who has done so much in furthering a love for natural history. It will be long, I suppose, before there will be another opportunity, in any part of the Kingdom, for presenting to any hon. secretary of a Society a testimonial for such an almost life- long persistent effort to interest all classes as has been exhibited by our friend, Mr. Cole. In thanking him, we must not lose sight of the assistance we have received from other members of his family. I am glad the Society acknowledges this fact, and I trust they may all long live to enjoy the esteem they have so well merited. I am, yours very truly, Henry LAVER. LEYTONSTONE, Nov. 11, 1905. Dear Mr. Christy, I shall be in the West of England at the time of your gathering and shall, therefore, be unable to be present. . . The address seems to me to be excellent, and truly expresses the cordial recognition which all the contributors must entertain of the admirable work Mr. Cole and his relatives have done in the cause of Essex Natural History. Believe me, yours very truly, Arthur LISTER. LOUGHTON HALL, LOUGHTON, ESSEX. Nov. 28, 1905. Dear Mr. Christy, . . . Pray express my regret that I am unable to attend the dinner on the 9th at Chingford. I wish every success to the gathering, and may Mr. Cole long continue his most useful labours. Very truly yours, (Rev.) J. Whitaker MAITLAND. WYKEHAM HOUSE, OXFORD, November 7, 1905. My dear Meldola, I am extremely sorry that the vast accumulation of work and many things during my recent long journey with the British Association prevents me from being present on an occasion which commands my warmest sympathy.