124 PRESENTATION TO MR. WILLIAM COLE. I heartily congratulate William Cole for all he has done, and the Essex Field Club in the possession of so enthusiastic and successful a helper. We want many more natural history Societies in England with the high standard of the Essex Field Club, but in order to get them we need many more men like William Cole. However, we must hope for the best, and rest content with the knowledge that such well organized and admirable effort is itself productive of good work in others, and sooner or later is certain to lead to the growth of other organizing centres of beneficent knowledge. Hoping that you will have a most successful evening, I am, yours sincerely, E. B. POULTON. TERLING PLACE, WITHAM, ESSEX, Nov. 7th, 1905, Dear Prof. Meldola, I am afraid it is not possible for me to come to the dinner at Chingford on Dec. 9, but I am glad that an opportunity has been found for recognising the services of Mr. Cole as Hon. Sec. to the Club over so many years. Though I have myself been able to take but little part, I have always understood that the activities of the Club, as directed by him, have been of great advantage to the County. Yours very truly, RAYLEIGH. 18, st. George's road, Kilburn, n.w., Dec. 8th, 1905. My clear Professor, Could I have had the advantage of being at Chingford, it would have been an unfeigned pleasure to me to have added my feeble tribute of esteem to the volume of appreciation which will, I am sure, go forth in recognition of the long and disinterested services rendered to our Club by Mr. W. Cole, and by his brothers and sisters. I feel, indeed, that Mr. W. Cole has been the guiding spirit of the Club from its original inception; I know that he remains its organizing head to-day: and I trust that he may be spared to hold this position for many a day to come. I join, therefore, with you in offering to him my warm congratulation on his work in the Past and the Present, while tendering to him my sincere wishes for its continuance in the Future. I am, Dear Professor Meldola, yours faithfully, F. W. RUDLER. Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1905. Dear Mr. Christy, I had been hoping to be able to attend the dinner given to Mr. Cole on the 9th prox., but I am so deeply engaged that I fear I shall be unable to do so. I have known Mr. Cole ever since I came into Essex, and have so often been indebted to bina for valuable assistance that I feel he richly deserves the token of appreciation to be presented to him at the dinner. I sincerely hope that he and his family may long be spared to continue their good works in the interest of the Field Club and the County of Essex. Yours faithfully, John C. THRESH. It, PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C. 7th Dec., 1905, Dear Mr. Christy, I very much regret to find that it will be quite impossible for me to be present at the complimentary dinner to my old friend, William Cole.