PRESENTATION TO MR. WILLIAM COLE. 131 The foundation of the Essex Field Club, in 1880, was due to your initiative. Since then, for a quarter of a century, you have acted continuously as its Honorary Secretary and have edited the whole of its publications—a combination of services which we imagine to be unique. To your labours during this long period are due, in the main, the leading position the Club now holds among Local Scientific Societies, and also the establishment of its two Museums (the Epping Forest Museum, at Chingford, and the Essex Museum of Natural History, at Stratford), of both of which you are now Curator. In the Rescue of Epping Forest, you took an active part, and you have watched jealously over its interests ever since. We feel strongly that these long-continued and disinterested labours in promoting locally the Cause of Natural Science deserve formal and public recognition ; and the present time (in the twenty-fifth year of the Society which you founded and have served so assiduously) seems peculiarly fitting for the purpose. We ask you, therefore, to accept our grateful thanks, together with the accompanying Purse of One Hundred and Ten Guineas. The latter is, of course, no more than a slight token of our appreciation of your labours, any adequate remuneration being obviously impossible. Among those who have subscribed (169 in number, the subscription being limited to one guinea) are the High Sheriff of Essex; the Chairman of the Essex County Council; the Mayors of West Ham and of Chelmsford; the Chairman of the Epping Forest Committee of the Corporation of London; all the four Verderers of Epping Forest; the President and many Fellows of the Royal Society; many Fellows of other Learned Societies; the President, the eight Past-Presidents, and numerous Members of the Essex Field Club; and others who have been associated with you in your work, or have admired it. Whilst thus thanking you in particular, we desire also to thank your brothers, Messrs. B. G. and H. A. Cole, and your sisters, Miss Cole and Miss Jane Cole, all of whom have helped you throughout, as we know, most untiringly. We trust that you and they may long continue the work you have carried on so well, and for such a lengthened period. Adams, H. J., F.E.S. Avenell, George Avery, John. C.A., F.S.S. Baddeley, W. H. Barnes, H.J. Bartleet, H. S. Benham, C. E. Biggs, Miss M. M. Bird, James Boake, Arthur, F.C.S. Boake, E. J., b.a. Boswell, R. Bruce, M.A. Boulger, Prof. G. S., F.L.S., f.g.s. Bowles, E. Augustus, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.S. Brand. F.J. Briscoe, A. E., B.SC Brown, Horace T., ll.d., f.r.s., f.c.s., f.g.s. Brown, W. H. Bryan, Colonel, c.e. Bullen, Rev. R. Ashington, b.a., F.L.S. Buxton, Edward North. J.P., D.L., etc. (Verderer, Epping Forest) Buxton, Mrs. E. North Buxton, Gerald, J.P. Buxton, Sir T. Fowell, Bart., K.C.M.G., D.L., etc. (Verderer, Epping Forest) Buxton, Lady Victoria [Essex) Buxton, T. F. Victor, J.P. (High Sheriff of Byford, J., junr. (Mayor of West Ham) Cansdale, W. D.,f.e.s. Chancellor, F., J.P. (Mayor of Chelmsford) Christy Miller, F.L.S. (President, Essex Field Club) Clapham, Mrs. E. Clark, J, A., f.e.s. Clark, Percy, b.a. Clarke, F. C. Coburn, H. I. Colchester, The Bishop of Coles, Mrs. Harriet Colsell, Robert Corcoran, Bryan Dalton, W. H., F.C.S., F.C.S. Dawson, Charles J, Dent, Francis Dewick, Rev. E. S., F.S.A., F.G.S. Duffield, P. H. Dymond, T. S., F.C.S., F.I.C Edwards, J. Passmore Edwards, Stanley, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S. Elliott, F. W. Evans, Sir John,K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., etc.