NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. 135 remains should be taken in hand quickly, because they are fast disappearing from various causes. We have started a Photographic Survey of Essex in an admirable way under Mr. Victor Taylor's superintendence, and I think we have every hope that in a few years that will become an important branch of our work. There is another little "fad" of mine which I hope to realize during the next few years. I propose to make an attempt to register the voices of eminent men in the county and of those who have presided over the meetings of the Club. Then we have the vanishing speech of the natives of Essex. School Boards are invading the remotest places in our County and destroying all its peculiar idioms, and I am afraid that the dialect songs of Essex will utterly disappear in the course of a few years. I should like to secure some record of these old harvest home songs and native carols on permanent phonographic cylinders or discs before it is too late. I am told that in the Saffron Walden district there is a real witch—or, rather, a woman who believes in witchcraft. Essex was always famed for witchcraft; and it would be well to register some native "incantations'' while there is yet a chance! In conclusion, the English language is, I think, deficient in expressions of gratitude, and I cannot perhaps do more than say again, "I thank you." (Applause.) On the motion of Mr. Whitaker, a vote of thanks was passed to Professor Meldola for presiding; and the guests then separated. [Thanks are due to Mr. Edwin C. Davis, Chief Reporter of the Stratford Express, who undertook, single-handed and for a merely nominal fee, the very arduous task of reporting the foregoing speeches, and did it most admirably. ] NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. MAMMALIA. Whale at Mersea in 1299.—Mr. Miller Christy sends the following extract from The Wardrobe Accounts of King Edward I. (Society of Antiquaries, 1787), page 76:— Custus circa balenam per vicecom' Essex.—Johanni de la Lee, vicecom' Essex' et Hertford', pro denar' per ipsum solutis diversis hominibus custodientibus quandam balenam captam in insula de Merseye; uno dolio vacuo empto pro eadem balena infra ponenda; sale empto pro eadem salienda; cariagio ejusdem de predicta insula usque Staunford ad curiam; una cum expens' unius hominis equitio conducentis eadem balena1 ibidem mense Maii .................. £0 14 8 1 ? Eadem balena—sc. eadem balona.