THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB.—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. 167 SPECIAL MEETING. The meeting was then declared a Special one (in accordance with the intimation sent to members by circular) for the consideration of the following alteration in the rules, proposed by the Council :— In Rule X , after the words, "January in each year," insert the following :— " Provided, nevertheless, that any two or more members of the same family, who reside in the same house, and are willing to receive between them only one copy of the Club's Publications, may become Ordinary Members of the Club, and shall enjoy all the privileges of Membership (except that they shall receive between them only one copy of the Club's Publications, as above) in return for the usual Entrance Fee in respect of each Member (in the case of new Members), and a joint Annual Subscription of One Guinea for the first two Members and Six Shillings annually for each additional Member." The President explained the reasons which had led the Council to recommend this alteration, and proposed it on behalf of the Council. The motion was seconded by Professor Meldola, F.R.S., and Mr. Howard, and carried unanimously. Thanks to the President, the Council, and Officers.—Prof. Meldola proposed that the cordial thanks of the Club should be accorded to Mr. Christy for his services as President during the year. He said that all members of the Club who attended any of the meetings would heartily concur in his appreciation of the care the President had given to its affairs, and the business ability he had exercised as its head. Mr. W. M. Webb seconded the motion most heartily, and proposed that the vote should include all the officers and members of the Council who had devoted so much care and attention to the affairs of the Club. Prof. Meldola agreed to this, and the vote was carried by acclamation. The President returned thanks on his own behalf and on behalf of his colleagues on the Council and the Officers. The meeting then adjourned until the evening. THE 245th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, April 7th, 1906. This meeting was held at the Technical Institute, Stratford, at half-past six, Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., President, in the chair. New Members.—Mr. Herbert O. Jacobs, 133, Osborne Road, Forest Gate, and Mr. Herbert E. Rains, 5, Sackville Gardens, Ilford, were elected members. Black Rat in Essex.—Mr. W. Cole exhibited two specimens of Mus rattus which had been sent to him by Mr. Pettitt, the taxidermist, from "a locality in Essex." The records of the capture of this species in the county were very few, with the exception of specimens from the docks ou the Thames, where sometimes Black-Rats, which were presumably escapes from foreign-going ships, were caught. Mr. Christy remarked that the specimens exhibited seemed to his eyes hardly typical, and he suggested that they might be hybrids between the true M. rattus and the Brown Rat (Mus decumanus).