THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB.—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. 169 and, as previously announced, it is now intended to make au organised effort to increase our membership roll. As a small matter, the President suggested that new members should be formally introduced at the first meeting attended, so that the officers and their fellow members might welcome them into the ranks. Mr. Christy also considered that occasional Ordinary Meetings held in various parts of the county would tend to make the Club better known and appreciated. The President then read his paper on "Salt-making in Essex, Ancient and Modem." The paper was illustrated by lantern-slides, and by specimens of the crystals and finished product made at the Maldon Salt Works, the only "Salt-pan" now remaining in the county. A discussion was carried on by Prof. Meldola, F.R.S., Mr. J. Spiller, F.C.S., Mr. F. W. Rudler, F.G.S., and the President. Vote of thanks to the President.—At the suggestion of Prof. Meldola. seconded by Mr. Spiller, a very cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Christy for his services as President during the past year, and also for the very interesting paper read that evening. Mr. Christy acknowledged the vote of thanks. "Neolithic Man in Epping Forest,"—A paper under this title, by Messrs. F. W. and H. Campion, was read for the authors by the Hon. Secretary. Considerable discussion took place anent the evidence brought forward in the paper, and on the specimens exhibited in illustration thereof. The President suggested to the authors the desirability of their demonstrating on the spot the sites and specimens upon which the paper was founded. But Messrs. Campion appeared to be unwilling to do this.