A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY. 207 know least, although of the first importance, the distribution of the various forms according to the soil and situation in which they grow, are among other points of interest. This biological survey should go hand-in-hand with a similar survey of the flowering plants, and the land and freshwater molluscs particu- larly, but other forms of life should not be ignored. Something has been done in various parts of the world of late on these lines, but nothing so far as I know in Essex. In the compilation of the following list I have had the kind assistance of, and desire to tender my best thanks to, Mr. W. Cole, through whom I have been able to carefully examine the collections belonging to the Essex Field Club; Mr. A. Gepp, for assistance in consulting the specimens collected by Mr. Forster, now in the Herbarium of the British Museum; Mr. G. Maynard, who kindly compiled a list of mosses collected by Mr. F. Y. Brocas, and now in the Saffron Walden Museum; Mr. W. Sherrin, for the list of mosses collected by himself in Essex; Mr. J. Wheldon, for naming the critical group of Hypnum known as Harpidium; the Rev. E. N. Blomfield, for additions to the list in the Victoria History of Essex; and Mr. H. N. Dixon for lists and much help when in doubt. The following is a list of the sources from which the informa- tion contained in the following list of localities has been derived. (1) 1724. Ray, John. Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicum, Ed. III. (2) 1800. Forster, Edwd. Herbarium in the British Museum, Natural History, S. Kensington. (3) 1802. Sowerby, John. English Botany. (4) 1833. Hooker, Sir J. English Botany, Vol. v. (5) 1836. Cooper, Daniel. Flora Metropolitana. (6) 1843. Sidebottam, J. Specimens in Mr. Wilson's Herbarium in the British Museum, Natural History. (7) 1845. Greenwood, A. "Mosses found near Chelmsford" in the Phytologist. Vol. II. (8) 1860-1876. Varenne, E. G. Collection in the Herbarium of the Essex Field Club. (9) 1874. Brocas, F. Y. Collection in the Herbarium of the Saffron Walden Museum. (10) 1800-1905. Braithwaite, Dr. R. British Moss Flora. (11) 1885. English, J. T. Exsiccata of the Mosses of Epping Forest, in the Herbarium of the Essex Field Club, also many loose specimens collected in the Forest, mostly near Epping.- 1886: English, J. T. MS. litt of the Mosses of Epping Forest.