208 THE MOSSES OF ESSEX : (12) 1890. Buxton, E. N. "Mosses." Epping Forest, Ed. III. [This list was made by Mr. English. Ed.] (13) 1890. Holmes, E. M. Notes in the Essex Naturalist and some loose specimens in the Herbarium of the Field Club. (14) 1898. Dixon, H.N. List of North Essex Mosses in the Journal of Botany, May, 1898. 1906. Dixon, H. N. MS. list of additional mosses collected in Essex. (15) 1900. Salmon, E. S. Notes on Essex Mosses in the Essex Naturalist. (16) 1901. Read, Miss E. Mosses collected near Southend in the Herbarium of the Biological Dept., Technical Laboratories, Chelmsford. (17) 1903. Turner, E. E. Mosses collected near Coggeshall, in my own Herbarium. (18) 1903, Shenstone, J. C. Victoria History of Essex. Article "Botany." (19) 1905. Sherrin, W. R. MS. list of mosses collected in Essex. The numbers in brackets following the name of a locality in which a moss has been collected correspond with the numbers in brackets in the list of authorities consulted, and indicate the source of the information. Only the first person recording a moss from a certain locality is indicated. The sign ! following a locality indicates that I have examined the specimen upon which the record is based, and the sign !! indicates that I have collected the species in the locality within the past five years. * This sign prefixed to a species indicates that I have seen fruiting specimens from the county. The sequence followed is that of the arrangement in the Students' Handbook of British Mosses, Ed. II (1904), by H. N. Dixon. TETRAPHIDACEAE. *Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. Epping Forest (11) !; Monk Wood (13) !; Theydon Bois (15) !!; nr. Ambresbury Banks (12); nr. Chelms- ford (7); Woodham Walter Common (7) !; Little Baddow Common !! POLYTRICHACEAE. *Catharinea undulata Web. and Mohr. Epping Forest (11) !; Loughton !!; Mill Green !!; nr. Chelmsford (7); N. Essex (14); Chignal Smealy !!; Little Baddow Common !!; Hazeleigh (13); Braxted (8) !; Felix Hall Shrubbery (8) !; Saffron Walden (9).