A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY, 213 *F. crassipes Wils. By side of a ditch, Kelvedon (8) ! *F. adiantoides Hedw. In a long bog on the forest near High Beach and the King's Oak (2) !; Galleywood Common (7) !!; Hatfield Forest (13) !; Saffron Walden (9). *F. taxifolius Hedw. On the Forest (2) !; Hazeleigh (13); Writtle !!; Chelmsford (7) !!; Broomfield !!; N. Essex (14); Braxted !!; Kelvedon (8) !; Coggeshall (17) !; Earls Colne !!; Hatfield Forest (13); Saffron Walden (9). GRIMMIACEAE. *Grimmia apocarpa Hedw. Nr. Chelmsford (7) ; wall, Kelvedon (8) ! ! ; wall, Witham (8)! ; on the bottom of a tree, Rivenhall (8) ! ; Saffron Walden (9). *G. pulvinata Smith. Walthamstow (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; wall, Epping (11) !; nr., Chelmsford (7); Broomfield !!; Spring- field !! Chignal Smealy !!; N. Essex (14); Kelvedon (8) !!; Dovercourt (19) !; Hatfield Forest (13); Saffron Walden (9). G. commutata Hub. Tiled roof at Wickham Bishop's (14). Rhacomitrium canescens var. ericoides Br. and Schimp. Tiptree Heath (8) ! TORTULACEAE. *Acaulon muticum C. Muell. On a bank in the lane from Hoe Street to Markhouse Field, Walthamstow (2) !; nr. Chelmsford (7); Saffron Walden (9). *Phascum cuspidatum Schreb. Epping Forest (11) !; Walthamstow (2) !; nr. Chelms- ford (7) !!; Broomfield !!; N. Essex (14); Kelvedon (8) !; Dovercourt (19) !; Saffron Walden (9). *var. schreberianum Brid. Nr. Wicken Bonhunt (2) ! *P. curvicolle Ehrh. Nr. Chelmsford (7); Audley End (10).