A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY. 215 [T. atrovirens Lindb. This species is recorded for Essex in the Victoria History of Essex, probably on the strength of a specimen so labelled in Mr Varenne's collection; but this is a species of Pottia. The record must therefore be considered unconfirmed.] *T. cuneifolia Roth. Near Springfield (7) !; Military Road, Colchester (8) !; near W. Bergholt (8) !; near Wivenhoe (8) ! *T. marginata Spruce. Kelvedon (8) ! *T. muralis Hedw. On walls, very common (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; Leyton !! ; near Chelmsford (7) !; N. Essex (14); Kelvedon (8) !!; Stisted !!; Broomfield !!; Dover- court (19); Saffron Walden (9). var. aestiva Brid. Kelvedon (8) !; Nayland (8) ! *T. subulata Hedw. Epping Forest (12); near Chelmsford (7); Broom- field !!; N. Essex (14); Wickham Bishops!!; Kelvedon (8) !; Dovercourt (19) !; near Quendon (2) !; near Henham (2) !; Saffron Walden (9). *T. mutica Lindb. Cobbin's Brook (11) !; nr. Chelmsford (7); Rainsford End !!; Writtle !!; Boreham !!; Wickham Bishops (14); Notley (8) !; Kelvedon (8) !; nr. Bures (8) ! *T. laevipila Schwaegr. Trees, Walthamstow (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; Hazeleigh (13); N. Essex (14) !; nr. Chelmsford (7); Pleshey !!; Braxted (8) !; Stisted !!; Kelvedon (8) !; Hatfield Forest (13); Saffron Walden (9). *T. intermedia Berk. Chelmsford !!; Kelvedon Church (8) !!; Little Green- stead Church (14). *T. ruralis Hedw. Tiles, Walthamstow (2) !; on the ground in a gravel pit between Woodford and Chingford Hatch (2) !; N. Essex (14); Kelvedon (8) !; Feering (8) !