216 THE MOSSES OF ESSEX: T. ruraliformis Dixon. Dovercourt (19). T. papillosa Wils. Witham (14); Wickham Bishops (14) !!; Inworth (8) ! Barbula lurida Lindb. Sea cliffs, Southend (7). *B. rubella Mitt. Epping Forest (11) !; on a tree by the side of Blackwall Chase off the Hare and Hounds Inn, Roxwell (7); Inworth (8) !; near Halstead (8) !; Saffron Walden (9). B. tophacea Mitt. N. Essex (14). *B. fallax Hedw. Epping Forest (11) !; nr. Chelmsford (7); N. Essex (14); Broomfield !!; Braxted (8) !; Kelvedon (8) !; Tiptree Heath (8)!; Yeldham (8) !; Dovercourt (19); Saffron Walden (9). var. brevifolia Schultz. In a lane between Hall Lane and Grove Lane, Henham (2)!; on a bank between Ugley and Quendon near the 35-mile stone (2) !; Dovercourt (19). *B, rigidula Mitt. Wall, Little Bardfield (14). *B. cylindrica Schimp. Nr. Chelmsford (7); N. Essex (14); Yeldham (8) ! B. sinuosa Braithw. Wickham Bishops (14). B. hornschuchiana Schultz. Wall of Colchester Castle (8) ! B. revoluta Brid. Oyn's Brook Bridge (8) !; Kelvedon Church wall (8) !!; Saffron Walden (9). *B. convoluta Hedw. On the Forest near Hale End (2) !; in fields near Quendon and Newport (2) !; Saffron Walden (9).