A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY. 217 *B. unguiculata Hedw. On a wall, Greenleaf Lane (2) !; on a wall between Northfields, Hoe Street and the garden of Mr. White's house, Walthamstow (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; N. Essex (14); nr. Chelmsford (7) !; Kelvedon and Cop- ford (8) !; Dovercourt (19); nr. Quendon (2) !; nr. Rickling (2) !; nr, Widdington (2) ! var. cuspidata Braithw. Rainsford End, Chelmsford !!; Marks Tey (8) ! var. apiculata Braithw. On the forest near Hale End and on banks, not uncommon (2) !; near Wicken Bonhunt (2) ! *Weisia crispa Mitt. Near Chelmsford (7) ; Kelvedon (8) !; Saffron Walden (9). *W. microstoma C. Muell. Inworth (8) !; near Sible Hedingham (8) ! *W. viridula Hedw. On a bank in a lane leading from Hoe Street to Mark- house field and in the lane leading from Hoe Street to Mr. Biggs', Great House (2) !; Forest near the great Bog (2) !; near Hale End (2) !; Coopersale (11) !; Writtle !!; near Chelmsford (7); Kelvedon (8) !; Saffron Walden (9). *W. mucronata Br. and Schimp. Near Halstead (8) ! Cinclidotus brebissoni Husn. On a tree in the meadows, Widford (8) !; Writtle !!; Great Bardfield (8) ! Encalypta vulgaris Hedw. "Bryum erecta capitulis, calyptra laxa conica, foliis serpilli pellucidis angustioribus. Observed by Mr. Vernon in Essex at Sir Thomas Middleton's House." Mr. Fitch informs me that in Ray's time Sir Thomas Middleton's House was Stanstead Hall. This quotation from Ray's Synopsis, Ed. III., is the only record I am able to find of the occurrence of this species in the county.