218 THE MOSSES OF ESSEX: ORTHOTRICHACEAE. Zygodon viridissimus R. Br. In my garden, Hoe Street, Walthamstow (2) !; on a hornbeam, Epping Lower Forest (11) !; nr. Chelms- ford (7); N. Essex (14); Hatfield Forest (13); Inworth (8) !; Rivenhall (8) !; Easthorpe (8) !; Ugley Holes (2) ! Z. conoideus Hook. and Tayl. Epping Forest (11) !; on a tree, Kelvedon (8) ! Z. forsteri Wils. On a felled tree in a timber yard at Chapel End, Walthamstow (2) ! (this tree was probably brought from Epping Forest); Monk's Wood (13); on beeches near the Wake Arms (14). [Ulota bruchii is recorded in the Victoria History of Essex, probably on the strength of the specimen so named in Mr. Varenne's collection, but that specimen belongs to the next species.] *U. crispa Brid. On trees and bushes on the forest between Loughton and Debden Green (2) !; on an oak, Ongar Park (11) !; Chantry Wood (8) !; near Chelmsford (7); Felix Hall Shrubbery (8) !; Great Tey (8) !; Mile End, Colchester (8) !; wood near Colchester (7) !; Saffron Walden (9). Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich. Saffron Walden (9). *O. anomalum var. saxatile Milde. Wall of garden, Walthamstow (2) !; on a tree in the meadows, Kelvedon (8) !; Feering (8) !; tiles on an old barn near Halstead (8) !; Roman Wall, Colchester (8) !; on a stone by the water in Hatfield Forest (8) !; Saffron Walden (9). *O. leiocarpum Br. and Schimp. Walthamstow (2) !; near Chelmsford (7) !; near Hal- stead (8) !; Saffron Walden (9). O. lyellii Hook and Tayl. Epping Forest (14); Wickham Bishops (14); Felix Hall Wood (8) !; tree in a wood at Copford (8) !; wood at Messing (8) !