220 THE MOSSES OF ESSEX : *Funaria fascicularis Schimp. " On the edge of a ditch running from a spring on the forest between Snaresbrook and Shrub bush" (2) ! ; near Chelmsford (7); Galleywood Common !! ; Kelvedon, Langford, etc., on gravel and clay (8) ! ; Halstead (8)! *F. hygrometrica Sibth. "In garden, waste ground," Walthamstow (2) !; "on a bank in the lane leading from Hoe Street to Mark- house field," Walthamstow (2) !; Epping Forest) abundant where fires have been (11) !; N. Essex (14); near Chelmsford (7); Galleywood Common !!; Hatfield Peverel !!; Kelvedon (8) !; Dovercourt (19); Saffron Walden (9). *var. calvescens Br. and Schimp. Chelmsford !! MEESIACEAE. *Aulacomnium palustre Schwaegr. "On the forest between Chingford Hatch and Wood- ford Road" (2); "near Chingford Hatch with gemmae" (2) !; in the moist parts of the forest, common (11) !; Epping Forest (2) !; Theydon (15) ; Loughton !!; Warley Common (8) !!; Galleywood Common (8) !!; N. Essex (14); N. Weald !!; Linguard Common !!; Woodham Walter (8) !; Tiptree Heath (8) !!; West Bergholt Heath (8) ! This moss is a constant companion of most species of Sphagnum in the county but appears to fruit but rarely, the only fruiting specimen I have been able to find having been collected by Mr. English in the bog near the Wake Arms. *A. androgynum Schwaegr. "In the gravel pits near Forest House and on the bank near Low Leyton" (2) !; Epping Forest, frequent in hollows in the trunks of pollard hornbeams (10); side of Theydon Road and Hill Hall Wood (11) !; N. Weald !!; N. Essex (14); Writtle !!; Little Baddow Common !!; Totham, on gravelly banks (8) !; inside an old de- cayed willow trunk, Feering (8) !; near Wivenhoe (8) ! This moss is usually found bearing gemmae; very rarely in fruit.