A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY. 221 BARTRAMIACEAE. *Bartramia pomiformis Hedw. By the roadside between Woodford Wells and the Bald-faced Stag (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; side of the Theydon Road (11) !; N. Essex (14); near Chelms- ford (7); Hatfield Peverel (14) !!; Springfield !!; Little Waltham !!; Woodham Walter !!; Great Totham (14); Tiptree (14); Pod's Wood Lane (8) !; Stanstead (2) ! *Philonotis fontana Brid. Epping Forest (11) !; Theydon Bois and Loughton Road (11) !; near Chelmsford (7); Galleywood Common (8) !!; West Bergholt Heath (8) ! BRYACEAE. *Leptobryum pyriforme Wils. N. Essex (14); Chelmsford !!; on the brick of a culvert, Feering (8) ! *Webera nutans Hedw. Old gravel pits and damp heaths, Epping Forest (11) !; Epping Lower Forest (11) !; Leyton ! ! Theydon !!; wood near Warley (8) !; nr. Chelmsford (7) !!; Woodham Walter Common (8) !; Braxted (8) ! *var. longiseta Br. and Schimp. Epping Forest (11) ! *W. annotina Schwaegr. "In woods, fallow fields, &c., and barren in shady places in the garden, Walthamstow" (2) ! "In this species are a number of red substances like berries in the alae of the leaves and about the stalk. They first appeared bright green." Edwd. Forster. Mr. English says "found in damp places in the Stump Road, Epping Lower Forest, fruit scarce," but all the specimens I have seen of his collecting so labelled belong to W. nutans. *W. carnea Schimp. Hale End (2) !; "on a tree near the great bog on the Forest" (2) !; Theydon (11) !; Hazeleigh (13); pond near Barnes' Mill, Springfield (7); Pleshey !!; Kelve- don (8) !; Marks Hall (8) !