230 THE MOSSES OF ESSEX : Hypnum sub.-gen. Campylium H. riparium Linn. "In a pond not far from the back of Paradise Row, Walthamstow" (2) !; "under a bridge nr. the Lea Bridge Road" (2) !; "against a wall in Mr. Todd's horsepond, Marsh Street," Walthamstow (2) !; "on- the bank of a brook nr. Shernhall Street,'' Walthamstow (2) !; Leyton (10); "scarce in gravel pits," Epping Forest (11); nr. Chelmsford (7); N. Essex (14); Springfield !!; Writtle !!; Broomfield !!; waste water near Kelvedon Mill (8) !; in a well, Inworth (8) !; Danbury Common, a somewhat elongated form !!; Saffron Walden (9). The figure of this species in Dr. Braithwaite's British Moss Flora was drawn from the specimen collected at Leyton. var. longifolium Schimp. Walthamstow, Epping Forest !! H. stellatum Schreb. "In the long bog on the forest beyond the King's Oak" (2) !; nr. Quendon (2) !; nr. Chelmsford (7); Galleywood Common (8) !!; Linguard Common (8) !; West Bergholt Heath (8) !; Saffron Walden (9). H. chrysophyllum Brid. Saffron Walden (9). Sub-genus Harpidium. (In this sub-genus I have had the invaluable assistance of Mr. J. A. Wheldon, the British authority on the group, who has most kindly examined and named all the available specimens. Where specimens do not exist the naming is exceedingly doubtful.) H. aduncum Hedw. Nr. Chelmsford (7). (This specimen probably belongs to H. exannulatum.) Group Typicum Ren. var. falcatum Schimp. Kelvedon (8) ! This specimen is almost midway between var. falcatum and var. aquaticum J.A.W.