A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY. 231 var. aquaticum Sanio. Kelvedon (8) ! Group Kneiffii Ren. N. Essex (14); Loughton Forest (13). var. polycarpon Bland. Norton Heath !! var. intermedium Schimp. Norton Heath !! Group pseudo-fluitans Sanio. var. paternum Sanio. Kelvedon (8) !; High Easter !! H. fluitans Linn. The following in the absence of specimens cannot be placed; some may belong to the next species. Thomas Warner's gravel pit in the Forest near Woodford Row (2); "pond in Greenleaves Lane," Walthamstow (2); in Walthamstow Marshes (2); nr. Chelmsford (7); N. Essex (14); Saffron Walden (9). Group Amphibium Ren. var. jeanbernati Ren. Loughton !!; Warley Common !! H. exannulatum Gumb. "Scarce, Epping Forest" (11). Group Typicum Ren. var. pinnatum Boul. Cuckoo Pits, Chingford !!; Tiptree Heath (8) ! var. pinnatum forma stemphylioides Ren. Epping Forest in a gravel pit (11) !; Epping Forest (19); nr. the Earl's Path, High Beach !!; nr. the Rising Sun, Walthamstow!!; Norton Heath !!; Mill Green Common (approaching the var. brachydictyon. —J.A.W.) !! var. brachydictyon Ren. Norton Heath !!; Galleywood Common (8) !!; West Bergholt Heath (an extreme form diverging strongly towards var. pinnatum, due to the less alpine habitat. J.A.W.) (8) ! var. molluscum Sanio. Leyton, Epping Forest !!