A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY. 233 proves on re-examination to belong to H. falcatum, This species must for the present therefore be expunged from the list.] Sub-genus Drepanium H. cupressiforme Linn. An exceedingly abundant and very variable species. On trees in the forest very common (2) !; "on forest near the bog and near the gravel pits" (2) !; wood, near Hale End (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; Monk Wood (13); Leyton !!; Theydon !!; Carpenter's Wood, Southend (16) !; N. Essex (14);. Chelmsford (7) !!; Norton Heath !!; Mill Green !!; Kelvedon (8) !; Haze- leigh (13); Chauntrey Wood, Witham (8) !; Tiptree (8) !; Feering (8) !; Hatfield Forest (13); Saffron Walden (9). var. resupinatum Schimp. "In a wood near Hale End, Walthamstow" (2) !; on the Forest (2) !; N. Essex (14); Hatfield Forest (13); nr. Quendon (2) !; Mill Green !! var. filiforme Brid. "Trunk of a tree, Epping Lower Forest" (11); Saffron Walden (9). var. ericetorum Br. and Schimp. N. Essex (14); Tiptree (8) ! var. elatum Br. and Schimp. Maldon (19). H. molluscum Hedw. Epping Forest, Theydon and Coopersale. This pretty moss cropped up after the lopping in quantity: the third year after it had entirely disappeared (11) !; nr. Chelmsford (7); Rivenhall (8) !; Hatfield Forest (13); Saffron Walden (9). Sub-genus Calliergon. H. stramineum Dicks. Walthamstow, near the Rising Sun; a very curious form (?) differing from the fell plant of the North of England in its loosely arranged, less appressed leaves !!; Woodham Walter Common (8) !; West Bergholt Heath (8) !