234 THE MOSSES OF ESSEX. H cordifolium Hedw. Epping Forest (11) !; margin of the Wake Valley Pond !!; Thrift Wood and Wood by the Ship Inn, Galleywood (7); Wood near Totham (8) ! [H. giganteum Schimp. This species has been recorded for the county in the Victoria History, but all the specimens I have seen collected in Essex and so labelled have proved to belong to the preceding species. The record needs confirmation.] *H. cuspidatum Linn. "In the great bog near Salter's Buildings and the old Windmill, Epping Forest" (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; Loughton !!; clay pit by Styles, Epping Forest (11) !; Norton Heath !!; nr. Chelmsford (7); Writtle !!; N. Essex (14); Danbury !!; Tiptree Heath !!; Kelve- don (8) !; clay pit near Felix Hall (8) !; Hatfield Forest (13) !; Saffron Walden (9). H. schreberi Willd. "In a hedge, Loughton and elsewhere, not uncommon" (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; Loughton !!; Mill Green !!; nr. Chelmsford (7); Galleywood Common (8) !; N. Essex (14); Woodham Walter Common (8) !!; Tiptree Heath (8) !!; Saffron Walden (9). Hylocoimum splendens Br. and Schimp. Hale End (2) !; Epping Forest, very scarce (11) !; Monk Wood (13) !; Epping Lower Forest (11) !; Tiptree Heath (8) !; Saffron Walden (9). H. loreum Br. and Schimp. Hatfield Forest (13). H. squarrosum Br. and Schimp. On the Forest (2) !; nr. Hale End (2) !; Epping Forest (11) !; Loughton !!; Ramsden Heath (7); Mill Green !!; N. Essex (14); Tiptree Heath (8) !; Chauntrey Wood, Witham (7); Hatfield Forest (13); Saffron Walden (9).