260 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. interesting prints or drawings that they would be willing to contribute. In con- clusion, he thanked Dr. Laver and Mr. Shenstone for what they had done that day, and Mr. Victor Taylor, who had made such excellent arrangements. (Loud applause.) Mr. Shenstone acknowledged the compliment, and the Meeting ended. MEETING IN THE DANBURY AND LITTLE BADDOW DISTRICTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION. Saturday, July 7th, 1906. Directors : A. E. Briscoe, B.Sc, Miller Christy, F.L.S., W. Cole, F.L.S., F.E.S., T. W. Header, F.G.S., and A. E. Salter, D.Sc., F.G.S. This meeting was a whole-day one, planned for visiting the commons and woods of this delightful part of our county, and, with the assistance of expert members of the Geologists' Association—particularly Dr. Salter—special attention was paid to the geology of the district traversed.1 The party assembled at Chelmsford Station soon after 10 a.m., and proceeded in brakes to Great Baddow, where the waterworks belonging to the District Council of Chelmsford were inspected under the direction of Mr. J. Dewhirst, A. M. I. Mech. E., who had placed out a sectional diagram of the bore-hole and samples of the various strata passed through for the inspection of the members. His remarks are embodied in the following account : " The position of this bore-hole is at the outcrop of the clay bed forming the valley of the Chelmer, and is the site also of a strong spring of water draining the gravel which extends from the site to Galleywood, and which for many years was the source of the supply of water for these works. " The yield of the spring from this gravel formation varies from 60,000 to 120,000 gallons per 24 hours, and is now supplemented by water obtained from the bore-hole. " The surface level is 97ft. O.D ; the boring is 311ft. deep and 10in, in diameter. It is lined with steel tubes of 10in, internal diameter to a depth of 350ft., beyond which are 8|in. internal diameter perforated steel tubes. " The work of boring was commenced in February, 1891, and was completed in October of the same year. " The strata passed through are as follows :— 1 The Editor is greatly indebted to Dr. Salter for furnishing nearly all the matter of this report.